朋友发的,我看不懂I don't think that when people grow up,they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything.Conversely,I think it's a selecting process,knowing what's the most important and what's the least.And then be a simple man.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 16:49:40
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l miss you why don't call 一朋友给我发的,看不懂. 朋友发的,我看不懂I don't think that when people grow up,they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything.Conversely,I think it's a selecting process,knowing what's the most important and what's the least.And then be a simple man. i'll alway emember that i've loved 我朋友发短信给我的,但我英文不好,看不懂- 英语翻译朋友给我发的信息 我看不懂啊 I don't speak Chinese ,这个是这么意思我的意大利女友发的 我不知道他朋友的名字.(I don't konw______ _____ _____his friend.) I don't ___ ___ ___ between friends.我不在乎朋友之间的差异 英语翻译如下英语句子是我要求朋友发给我学习的,可是我看不懂,请帮忙翻译.翻译的中文请写上编号.1,the challenge is that American sayings and phrases don't translate well,or they don't always make sense...but I wil Don't forget to CAPITALIZE, and study the difference between fun and funny.这句话是什么意思啊?外国朋友给我的建议,可是我看不懂 英语翻译交了个巴西朋友 他的 留言我 看不懂 发英文 过去他又看不懂 英语翻译交了个巴西朋友 他的 留言我 看不懂 发英文 过去他又看不懂 Going well.How r 是一位外国朋友发的..我看不懂.. 我要的是含义 I DON'T LIKE YOU LIKE I DON'T LIKE I don't cry怎么读I don't cry是晨晨的专辑《千方百计》里的一首歌.我英语还没学,所以读不来,那些会的这个I don't cry的朋友帮帮我.用谐音就行了.(听不懂谐音的朋友看下面):比如“钢笔”这 i miss you how are you you just in my life of my heart朋友发的短信.看不懂. A ZA A ZA FRIGHTING是什么意思,这是我的一个朋友给我发的短信,我看不懂. 谁能看懂这幅图啊,朋友发的,看不懂啊 .Tomorrow is my sisterr’s birthday.But I can’t __C___ what to buy for her.A.think hard B.thi我选择的是否正确