谁能帮我做这篇英语阅读啊During the last two decades,the Computer Revolution has been changing the world.More and more aspects of our daily existence are influenced in some way by them.The person who is a computer illiterate(文盲) so

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 12:22:10
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我不喜欢在晚上和周末工作英语怎么说I don't liek ( ) ( ) during ( ) and ( )是 I don't like ( ) ( ) during ( ) and ( ) 阅读英语,谁能帮我? 初一课外英语阅读答案我已经知道了,我要选其答案的原因!ACBDBBefore a movie,most people turn off their cell phones.Some people,like Kenny Jones,don't.He talks during movies.That bothers other people.During one movie,Kenny got a p 谁能帮我做这篇英语阅读啊During the last two decades,the Computer Revolution has been changing the world.More and more aspects of our daily existence are influenced in some way by them.The person who is a computer illiterate(文盲) so 初二英语|during|during的用法谁知道啊!during the day是特指某一天还是. 英语阅读判断 T/F 英语阅读!T,F的 在本年度的阅读周期间,我读的书最多.用英语怎么说?During this year's Reading Week,I_____________. 英语阅读题目~急T T 英语否定转移我的书上有这样一句话.I think that it is not impolite to smoke during a meal in France.为什么不是I don't think that it is impolite to smoke during a meal in France. 谁能帮我解决英语阅读啊给好评 谁能帮我做篇英语阅读, 英语学霸啊,帮帮我啊,初一阅读 .英语阅读翻people may have many different types of hobbies during their lifetime 英语阅读打T打F 英语阅读理解,选T或F 在线等~~~~哪位英语高手能帮我翻译一下这几段文字啊?英译中哦,谢谢!感激不尽!Multinationals don't set out to neglect these markets, of course. What's needed always changes during and after market entry, but companies don't 我的英语阅读还有语文阅读