I get up in half past seven.错在哪?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 08:28:48
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I get up in half past seven.错在哪? I get up at half past I get up at half past seven .(改为一般疑问句) I usually get up at half p______ six. at I past half get up seven.连词成句 at. i. past. half. get. six. up. 连词成句 how can I get up to the a ______?----My plane is leaving in half an hour. I'll get up at half past seven.(变为一般疑问句)____you____up at half past seven? --What time do you usually get up?--I usually get up at ()A.half past six B.half to six C.half after six(别误人子弟啊!) I get up early in the m____________? I got up in half past seven yesterday哪里错 I get up at half past six o'clock对划线部分提问画线部分:half past six o'clock I usually get up at half past six.这句话对吗? 一篇英语作文【my day】首句是I get up at half past six. My name is Ted Pike.I am a worker in a big shop.I don't work in the morning.I only work at night.Every morning I come home at about half past six.I have breakfast at seven.After breakfast I go to bed.I get up at about half past two.I have lunch at th 英语翻译When I wake up I don't get up immediately.I turn on the television and watch the children's programmes and old movies until about half-past ten.Then I get up,go downstairs and switch on the TV in the living room.For lunch,I have biscuits ( I get up at half past six.A.What time is it?B.What time do you get up?C.What time are you getting up? 补全对话.Cindy:Do you often get up early,Victor?Victor:Yes,I( ) at 5:15 in the morning ,then I run for half an four.I take a ( ) and eat( ) at 7:00.What about you?Cindy:I get up ( ) 10:00.Victor:( ) o'clock?Cindy:Yes,I go to ( ) in the evening.Vi