21. 22. 23. 24 25. 26. 27. 28. 29

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 00:34:27
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21. 22. 23. 24 25. 26. 27. 28. 29 做了道阅读题,麻烦高手看看对几道我选的是21.D 22.B 23.D 24.B 25.A 写出下列名词的复数形式,1.bus 2.class 3.dress 4.piano 5.family 6.half 7.sheep 8.deer 9.lity 10.woman 11.foot 12.life 13.watch 14.radio 15.match 16.chinese 17.child 18.tomato 19.box 20.mouse 21.day 22.country 23.leaf 24twin broyher 25.woman 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词:1.teach 2.sleep 3.think 4.build 5.dig 6.feel 7.find 8.get 9.hang 10.have 11.hold 12.hear 13.keep 14.learn 15.leave 16.come 17.become 18.run 19.be 20.do 21.sing 22.go 23.fall 24.fly 25.forget 26.freeze 2 汉译英,19.睡着;熟睡 20.自然环境21.全年 22.选择做某事23.例如(2)24.考虑做某事 25.最重要的要求26.一名导游 27.一名空中飞行员28.听说 29.看见/听见某人做了某事30看见/听见某人正在做某事 3 1.x^2-xy-2y^22.x^2+7/4xy+5/8y^23.x^4-13x^2y^2+36^44.(x+a)^2-4x(a+x)+3x^25.(x^2-x)^2-14x^2+14x-24求高手相助,在这儿就先谢过了 英语翻译1.sunday 2.never 3.early 4.on 5.sometimes 6.stay 7.til 8.lunchtime 9.late 10.dark 11.outside 12.what 13.thought 14.raining 15.telephone 16.rang 17.lucy 18.'I've 19.a'rrived 20.by 21.train 22.coming 23.still 24.having 25.bieakfast 26.asked 急求动词的过去式(不规则)注上音标1.beat 2.begin 3.blow 4.break 5.bring 6.can 7.choose 8.cost 9.feel 10.fly 11.forget 12.freeze 13.fight 14.grow 15.hang 16.hide 17.hit 18.hurt 19.keep 20.know 21.learn 22.let 23.lie 24.may 25.mistake 26 英语翻译1.lie 2.leave 3.proud 4.quarter 5.magazine 6.restaurant 7.wash 8.forest 9.feel 10.trip 11.wear 12.postcard 13.police 14.robbery 15.sound 16.program 17.congratulation 18.heavy 19.novel 20.quite 21.quiet 22.rise 23.chess 24.hard 25.factory 7.求下列古诗文名句21.秋登万山寄张五 孟浩然22.陇头吟 王维23.送李少府贬峡中王少府贬长沙 高适24.走马川行奉送封大夫出师西征 秦参25.塞下曲 (其二) 王昌龄26.将进酒 李白27.登楼 杜甫28. 关于小学英语过去式写出下列动词的过去式;1.let 2.begin 3.put 4.ride 5.teach 6.feel 7.throw 8.keep 9.become 10meet 11.blow 12.cost 13.come 14.dig 15.sleep.16.drink 17.take18.feed 19.think 20.forge 21.give 22.wear 23.have.24.make 25. 把句子改为被动语态!20.they can't mend the bike in that shop.21.you should take good care of her baby.22.you may take it back home.23.may i look after the baby at home?24.must we hand in our exercise-books now?25.can you mend this radio here? 英语 将下列词变为ing形式1.ask 2.look 3.carry 4.close 5.take 5.ride 6.swim 7.get 8.sit 9.put 10.begin 11.sleep 12.put 13.sing 14.meet 15.play 16.throw 17.draw 18.open 19.ride20.have 21.give 22.see 23.sit 24.run 25.lie 26.tie 27.die 28.listen 写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级.1.small 21.late 2.short 22.nice 3.tall 23.large 4.young 24.heavy 5.long 25.early 6.strong 26.easy 7.light 27.busy 8.low 28.slowly 9.high 29.pretty 10.slow 30.funny 11.fast 31.dirty 12.high 32.bea 人教版初三文言文翻译如题,主要要21.陈涉世家 司马迁 22.唐雎不辱使命 《战国策》 23.隆中对 陈寿 24.出师表 诸葛亮 25.词五首 的翻译,急需要,速度,拜托了是作业,我到现在还没做,马上就开学 求教一些英语句子的解释21.It doesn't matter.22.I'm going to turn in for the night.23.I think it's time to hit the hill.24.That's it for me hopes I am going to bed.25.I'm going to read a bit before turning in.26.I don't kown about you but I 改变下列单词中的一个字母,使其成为另一个单词.1.at 2.bad 3.Let 4.now 5.dear 6.may 7.light 8.those 9.bee 10.in 11.that 12.so 13.same 14.purse 15.bus 16.bead 17.ill 18.toy 19.wall 20.we 21.make 22.the 23.like 24.mine 25.map 语文版初三上要背那些课文?注意了,先给你列出来有:20.秋水21.愚公移山22.扁鹊见蔡桓公23.捕蛇者说24.诗词五首25.《论语》十则26.鱼我所欲也27定鬼28.马说29诗词五首写编号就可以了.