问几道GRE填空题1.The NationalArchives contain information so _____ that researchers have been known never topublish because they cannot bear to bring their studies to an end.E/A(A) divisive(B) seductive(C) selective(D) repetitive(E) resourceful

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 06:53:10
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怎样备考新GRE填空题 怎样备考新GRE填空题 新GRE句子填空题如何复习 gre填空,不明白 gre填空单空题双空题三空题各几个? 请教一道gre 填空 攻克GRE填空难关? natio 怎么读 新gre verbal填空一般多少道题 如何复习GRE句子填空题?求答案 新GRE句子填空题的形式有什么变化? 几道GRE填空题 1.the challenge of interpreting fictional works written under politically repressive regimes lies in distinguishing what is ____to an author's beliefs,as opposed to what is____by political coercion.Acontradictory DconveyedBorganic 问几道GRE填空题1.The NationalArchives contain information so _____ that researchers have been known never topublish because they cannot bear to bring their studies to an end.E/A(A) divisive(B) seductive(C) selective(D) repetitive(E) resourceful NATIO FACE MASK PURIFIER用法? 一道GRE填空题,Among the many ( ) of the project,espense cannot be numbered; the goals of the project's promoter's can be achieved with impressive ( ). A.highlights...efficiency B.features...savings C.disadvantages...innovati 有关gre填空题的问题1.Individual freedom of thought should be protected moreabsolutely than individual freedom of action,given that the latter,thoughalso desirable,must be subject to the limits imposed by the rights and freedom ofothers.这句 gre填空题For those Puritans who believed that ----obligations were imposed by divine will,the correct course of action was not withdrawal from the world but conscientious ---- of the duties of business.practical..mystificationinherent..manipulatio 这道GRE填空题如何解答The concept of timelessness is paradoxical from the start,for adult consciousness is _______ by the awareness of duration.A intriguedB repelledC measuredD acceleratedE permeated选择哪个答案,为什么,