两道英语语法题.1.with more forests being destroyed in that area,huge quantities of land _______ deserts each year.A.has been turned into B .are being turned into.为什么答案是B 可以理解正在转变为沙漠,但为什么A不可以,它

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 07:33:57
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两道高中英语语法题~ 两道英语语法题.1.with more forests being destroyed in that area,huge quantities of land _______ deserts each year.A.has been turned into B .are being turned into.为什么答案是B 可以理解正在转变为沙漠,但为什么A不可以,它 两道英语语法题.1.with more forests being destroyed in that area,huge quantities of land _______ deserts each year.A.has been turned into B .are being turned into.为什么答案是B 可以理解正在转变为沙漠,但为什么A不可以,它 英语语法,5两题 一道英语语法题,If we have more time _________ our disposal,I’ll take you to the central park.A.to B.with C.on D.at 两道初三的英语填空题.1.People keep in touch with each other by letter.(对 by letter提问)—— —— people keep in touch with each other 2.More and more ring roads have appeared .(变反义疑问句)这两道题我实在做不来,. 帮我分析一下英语语法(两道题目)1.everybody____ to talk with jean,so she feels a little lonelyA.refuse B.refused C.refusing D.refuses2.the supervisor strongly recommended Eric________the report before the weekendsA.completed B.complet 几道英语语法~~1. China’s health care reform is the core principle to provide all Chinese people with basic health care as a public service, and ______ the health care system more public oriented. A. to make B. making C. havi 4道英语语法题目1.With the economic crisis ( ) hand,nd the unemployment rate on the rise,career planning will definitely benefit you.A.in B.on C.by D.at (想问下这4个搭配的区别,因为字典上都差不多意思)2.( ),the more sever 高一英语语法题,不难!1.He always thinks of_____he can do more for people.为什么不是if呢?2.-Are you going to see the film with us -l'm not sure .l _____go to a party instead.答案是should,为什么不是would/might?3.Go back _where__ 两道英语语法题,有答案,但是原因拜托了各位 谢谢 求助几道英语语法题!> 用英语语法造句如题 1.show sth to sb 2.de good with sb 3.come over to … 英语语法问题 英语语法大师来帮忙看看 Thanks!1.She has more for us on the situation down there and how officials are trying to deal with this outbreak.这句话中的down是什么词性,down ( CNN新闻 海地霍乱疫情严重,在 英语语法题 英语语法题. 英语语法题, 英语语法12The chairman requested that ().a.the member should have studied the problem more carefullyb.the problem were carefully studiedc.the problem could be studied with more carec.the member study the problem more carefully