英语翻译The spectrum of differentness is wide,ranging from reality-defying delusions and severe debilitation to worries and behavioral quirks that we would be better off not having but that do not interfere significantly with our daily lives.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 13:16:35
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英语翻译原句是:Non-white females also tend to fall at the fatter end of the spectrum.书上翻译是非白人妇女往往更容易发胖.我不理解 fall at the fatter end of the spectrum什么意思? 英语翻译Qualitative Infrared Analysis-Infrared analysis shall be conducted on the sample material .The spectrum obtained shall indicate the same composition as that recorded in the spectrum obtained in the original investigation of the material.T At one end of the spectrum,you have the default 英语翻译Though she'd looked so depressed before,she was the kind to bounce from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other原文 英语翻译it is not surprising that politicians from both ends of the political spectrum may incite more of it rather than curb 英语翻译Expression of the theme must first highlight the theme.As animated films have a unique form of expression,drawing a wide spectrum of.Therefore,the subject of animated films can have an unprecedented wealth of expression.While the animated 英语翻译Interactions with DNA.The changes of the electronicabsorption spectrum of 3 as a function of ct-DNAconcentration were used to estimate the DNA bindingconstant,Kb (Figure S4 in the Supporting Information).34Hypochromic shifts were observed spectrum spectrum New Technique to Accurately Interpolate the Complex Reflection Spectrum of Fiber Bragg Gratings 翻译成中文 英语翻译For each end-use,a specific product has been designed to fulfil a broad spectrum role with a good level of quality performance in the range of market segments associated with the end use. 英语翻译The approximation (5) leads to the following bounds onthe average weighted squared error:This upper bound is tight because it would be achieved fora spectrum Fm that is concentrated entirely on the worstcasefrequency.In light of this tigh 英语翻译Solvent-extracted oleoresins exhibit a flavour profileclose to the freshly ground spice,which make them anacceptable form of natural flavouring ingredient in awide spectrum of food applications.In comparison tothe ground spices,they are h 英语翻译V.CONCLUSIONWe have investigated the effect of inserting segments ofDCF periodically within a high-nonlinearity fiber,used as anoptical parametric amplifier.We have shown that just a fewsegments can substantially modify the gain spectrum, 英语翻译The spectrum of differentness is wide,ranging from reality-defying delusions and severe debilitation to worries and behavioral quirks that we would be better off not having but that do not interfere significantly with our daily lives. 英语翻译By means of a combination of the substructure mobility and the effective mobility,a general expression of the input power flow is developed.The power flow transmission spectrum is analyzed on the basis of calculation to find the compoun 英语翻译请帮忙翻译这段文字:QD-MBP-Cy3 Titrations.Figure 2 shows the absorption spectrum of the Cy3 dye and emission spectra of the three QD solutions (spectra are normalized),along with plots of the overlap function for the QD-dye pair 英语翻译Which of the following is (are) present at the red end of the visible spectrum?1.Slower waves than at the violet end 2.Lower energy quanta than at the violet end 3.Longitudinal waves 4.Longer wavelengths than at the violet end