句子分析 关于 介词+whom的句子They may start as a group of high-school students,for whom practising their music in someone's house is the first step to fame.这句话里for whom 是修辞那个?为什么要加介词 for?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 10:01:36
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句子分析 关于 介词+whom的句子They may start as a group of high-school students,for whom practising their music in someone's house is the first step to fame.这句话里for whom 是修辞那个?为什么要加介词 for? 用介词+which/whom的结构造一个句子 关于介词+which/whom引导的定语从句,介词的选择的具体用法,一定要有例子分析, 帮分析一句英语.Last week,only two people came to look at the house,neither of whom wanted to buy it.其中的定语从句neither of whom wanted to buy it.的句子结构是什么?顺便翻译下这句话..whom是做介词of的宾语吗?否则 怎么看句子后面加不加介词有些句子后面是不及物动词,但是没加介词,但是有些加了的.怎么可以看何时加合适不加呢?这里有几个句子,有些是加了的,有些没有加.请具体做下分析.The ice is too th 下面英文句子的介词如何提前?The woman whom my English teacher is talking to is my headmaster.老师说,当介词提前时,whom 不可以和 that 互换.那介词提前是要怎样提前? 关于whom用法.They are boys with whom I went to school.他们就是和一起上学的男孩子.这是书上的例句,我弄不明白到底该怎么怎么把whom用在句子中.目前只知道跟在介词后边.------------------------------------- The students with whom he is strict are from famalies with different backguounds介词提前到引导词的句子叫什么句子啊? 介词后宾格形式的句子 关于英语中介词短语的问题!The government keeps the people in the dark about it.请英语老师分析一下这个句子的成分! 英语语法:句子结构的分析In the torchlight,he caught sight of a figure (whom) he immediately recognizedas Bill Wilkins,our local grocer.为什么要用(whom) 连接?分析句子的结构:主谓宾 介词短语做定语和状语的区别(分析一些for的句子) 分析一下这个句子的句子成分Whom we must study for is a question of great importance. Those whom God wishes to destroy he first makes mad” 麻烦分析一下这个句子的成分 现代汉语句子分析:“我和你一起去.”中“和”的词性是连词还是介词? (德语)请分析以下各个句子中的介词 He is a teacher than whom a better dose not exist.whom a better的次序应是a better whom对吗?能否对这句子作结构分析 whom has the letter been sent ?sent后面要填一个介词怎么填?如果可以的话把填完后的句子结构和这里牵涉到的语法说明一下.谢了!这里为什么用whom而不用who