请将下列句子还原到短文中.The first types of clothes were made of animal skins.People started to wear clothes so that they could protect themselves from the sun,wind,rain and cold.61 But in modern society clothes do more than just keep us

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 13:46:03
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请将下列句子还原到短文中.The first types of clothes were made of animal skins.People started to wear clothes so that they could protect themselves from the sun,wind,rain and cold.61 But in modern society clothes do more than just keep us 将下列打比方的句子填写到短文中1.无数撑天的巨伞2.银色的大海上漂浮着几片美丽的白帆3.千万条闪耀的银链4.千万朵玲珑剔透的白莲5.绵延的织锦那么华丽进入天山,蓝天衬着矗立的巨大的 请将下列一道英语句子改成复数形式.Does the boy speak Engish? 短文中什么是首尾照应的句子? 要将标尺的原点还原到默认的左上角,应执行下列哪一项操作? 请在短文中找出一对反义词 请将下列句子改写拟人句.小绿龟爬来爬去,一刻不停. 请将下列句子改为一般疑问句.He can dance. 根据短文内容,把方框中的句子还原到短文中,使其意思通顺,完整.【英语】Holi is a very important festival in India.------It often comes in February or March.Holi often lasts for about tow days.--------So some people call it S 城市之肺阅读题答案 .短文中有哪些说明方法?请列举两个.写出句子 将下列打乱的英语句子还原:weeks to go physical accident therapy after the her to strengthen to muscles leg for many Josephine下周一就要考了, 请将下列句子由直接引语变间接引语Listen to the teacher carefully in the classMy father said to me 请将下列单词连成句子,并将音标部分写成单词. 英语:请将下列单词组成一个通顺的句子because,memory,is,best,a,time,have,the,high,school,teenagers,golden 请帮忙回答短文中所加的标点, 《夏》请用文中的句子回答, 下列短文中有一处词语有错误,请改正本刊欢迎大家来稿,不论是发表过作品的同学,还是刚学写作的同学,我刊将一视同仁,都以质量高低为取舍.来稿题材不限,提倡创新,以1500字左右为宜.文章写 将下列句子改成祈使句.