几道英语提食物怎么样_____ ____ the food每样东西尝起来都很好Everything _____ really ______然而似乎没有人感到无聊Still no one ______ ______ ______ ______你觉得这次旅行怎么样_____ did you ____ ____ the trip

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 01:55:48
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几道英语提食物怎么样_____ ____ the food每样东西尝起来都很好Everything _____ really ______然而似乎没有人感到无聊Still no one ______ ______ ______ ______你觉得这次旅行怎么样_____ did you ____ ____ the trip 几题英语填空题``高手来下```______ _____ _____(去散步怎么样)for a walk?I ____ ___ (乘飞机去) Beijing an hour agoThey ____ ____ ____ ____ (举办音乐会) next Sunday.My sister ____ ____ (给我买) a present last week.____ ____ m 几道小学自然题!要分的快1.各种动物都愿意长期生活在_____里.因为这个生活环境为它提供了____,_____,和____所必需的食物,水,庇护,等条件,这样的环境被称为生物的_____.2.生物之间的____关系称之 有两个人讨论学校食堂的食物怎么样 英语说的 几句话就行 根据中文提示完成下列句子(英语)你应该尽快地将书还给图书馆.You ______ ____ the books _____ the library _____ _____ _____ ____你最近功课怎么样?How are you ____ _____ _____ your lessons? 食物中油脂的来源是____和_____食物中蛋白质可分为____和_____ 英语NO___ ____ _____ number 英语 ____ _____ help you. 植物用叶子为自身制作食物.The plant _____ food ____ ____ with ____ leaves. 几道英语题,求答案.谢谢!对画线部分提问She does homework with Betty ------____ ____ she _____ homework______?This book is boring. ---------_____ is this book?His teacher really likes him 那儿的食物怎么样,英语怎么说 西方人喜欢吃中国食物吗?用英语怎么说Do ____ ____ ____ ____like ____ ____? 几道英语题,求解,选择题请说明原因1.每天都有通往镇中心的公共汽车 There are _____ _____ ______ _____ ______every day.2.米莉每天都让埃迪绕着院子(yard)跑几圈. Millie lets Eddie ____ _____ ____ _____ ever 几道英语时态练习填空1.Mike always ____(halp)the old man.2.What ____you___ ___ ____ (do) tomorrow?3.I _____ ____ ____ ____ (visit)grandparents next week.4.Amy ______________(climb)mountains nest week.5.Mary ____ ____ (cook) dinner now.6.Sara 英语试题完成句子拜托!1.这个用英语怎么说?______ _______ in english?2.------今天星期几?-----星期五.---_____ ____ ___ ____ today?-----_____ friday.3.你最喜欢的体育运动是什么?____ ____ ____ sport?4.让我们明天去 补全句子,每空一词1,我们怎么样能使这些食物保持新鲜呢?How can we ____ _____ ____ _____?2.我不能相像周围没有 一个朋友的生活.I can't imagine ____ ____ ____ any friends around. 亲们~help~几道英语填空1、His parents always make him do a lot of homework.(改为被动语态)He ____ _____ ____ do a lot of homework.2、汤姆五岁开始自学英语.Tom began to _____ learn English _____ _____ at the age of five3、S They ____ _____ _____ presents and _____ lots of food _____.他们去购买礼物,并且准备了许多食物.