请教大家几道英文改错题1.Although it was raining,but the game went on.( )A B C D2.He's borrowed the book since two weeks ago,hasn't he?( )A B C D3.There are much more roads,buildings and people in this area.( )A B C D4.Do you know when Tom

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 10:02:59
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请教大家几道英文改错题1.Although it was raining,but the game went on.( )A B C D2.He's borrowed the book since two weeks ago,hasn't he?( )A B C D3.There are much more roads,buildings and people in this area.( )A B C D4.Do you know when Tom 请教几道英文改错题!1)Under the management,the business undergo a complete reorganization.答案说undergo用错了,请指教! 几道改错题谢谢. 请教大家几道英语练习题,答对的我会追加!一、改错:1.He can't wait opening the box.__________________2.Tomorrow will be October 23th._____________________3.They will go to the Great Wall in Tuesday.___________________4.Each of us 请教大家冰雕用英文怎么说?谢谢 请教大家“读后感”英文怎么说?谢谢! 请教几道初三物理电路题! 请教英语一道改错题1.Would you like getting some water for me? 请教大家几道语文题1.有一位智者,他尽忠蜀汉,中心不渝.他东渡江东,联吴抗曹;火烧战船,大破曹贼.他六出祁山,七擒孟获,“功盖三分国,名成八阵图”他是《_____ 》中的______的化身 ,《蜀相》 请教大家几道小学五年级语文题1.照例子根据意思组词 提出( ) 趴( )举 上托( ) 伏 低下去( ) 全 ( ) 低头承认( )2.在括号里填上适当的词语 5道英语单句改错题,几道 请教几道英语改错题每句有一处错误 1.I left school as soon as I can and started work.(答案是把can改为could,但是start后不应该加动词不定式或ing形式吗)2.The crowd waitingto greet them in England was very surprised s 英文改错. 请教一道改错题:she gave him it last night. Can I have any grapes?孩子的英文改错题,请大家帮忙看下哪里错了, 请教几道语法题大神们帮帮忙 这题方程怎么写?请教大家 几道英语题求解,和一些语法知识,希望大家能看看选择题请大家帮我选一下 ,顺便写出理由可以吗? 谢谢你们~~~~我的英语不是太好,请教了~~一.( )handbags are new. 1.Lucy and Lily's 2.Lucy's and L