判断是升调还是降调.1.How are you 2.What's your name?3.See you later 4.Are you a student 5.Where i判断是升调还是降调.1.How are you2.What's your name?3.See you later4.Are you a student5.Where is Jane from6.Yes,she is7.I'm polly8.Is hi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 20:00:32
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判断是升调还是降调.1.How are you 2.What's your name?3.See you later 4.Are you a student 5.Where i判断是升调还是降调.1.How are you2.What's your name?3.See you later4.Are you a student5.Where is Jane from6.Yes,she is7.I'm polly8.Is hi 朗读下列句子,并判断读升调还是降调 英语升降调Do ,What,Is/Are,How这些开头的句子哪些是升调,哪些是降调? 英语中重读音节,是降调还是升调 What would you like是读升调还是读降调 What’s the name of the cat?是读升调还是降调疑问句什么情况读升调什么时候读降调 (1)、判断下列句子的读音是升调(↑)还是降调(↓)1、Is it your pancil?( ) 2、Whose turn is it?( )3、How are you?( ) 4、Does She like hamburgers?( )5、How is the weather to day?( )6、Has Amy got a computer?( ) 判断下列句子是升调还是降调 ,升调请用A,降调 请用B ()1 1s this your handbag?() 2 what colour are your shoes?() 3 i don't like the green sweater() 4 can i have some apples? 判断以下句子句子为升调还是降调1.Where is she from?2.Are they from Canada?3.No,they aren't.4.Excuse me,are you Michael?5.He's from England. Excuse me 读升调还是降调? 简单英语音调问题we are standing( )on the left.↓请问括号中的是升调还是降调? 为什么?谢谢!他说要填 ↑或↓. Would you mind closing the window?句式用的是升调还是降调 德语语调问题请问Machen Sie bitte das Buch zu!是升调,降调还是平调 什么是升调降调?如何升调降调? 什么是升调降调?如何升调降调? 判断升调和降调1.May I have a look?( )2.Is he a student?( ) Yes,he is.3.What class are you in?( )4.Is it Tom's ball?( )5.How many bird are there in the tree?( )6.Can you spell your name?( ) 1.i know nothing about him------- he lives next door A except B except that2.which of the following is right A what's you name(升调) B my name is BOB(升调)C how old are you(降调) D i am 12years old(升调)第二题给个答案就行了3 读英语时一般疑问句结尾读升调还是降调?