英语单选He is the first boy in this school__the first price.为什么填to win?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 08:33:04
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英语单选He is the first boy in this school__the first price.为什么填to win? 一道英语单选 _______on the stage for the first time,he is a little nervousA Stood B Stands C Standing D To stand 英语单选Mo Yan won the 2012 Nobel prize for Literature.He is the first Chinese to win the prizeMo Yan won the 2012 Nobel prize for Literature.He is the first Chinese to win the prizeA congratulations B well done C Iam glad to hear that D really he is first he is the first请问是He is first 还是 He is the first He is the first a__ the river 初三英语单选一道Though the first letter is ___ in the word honest,we must say an honest boy.A.a B./不好意思,应为Though the first letter is ___ h in the word honest He is the first to arrive中文 He is the first black driver是什么意思 初二英语单选,同义词换:at first the movie is not so interestingAt first the movie is not so interesting.要替换掉at first.A.For the first time B.In the endC.In the beginning D.One minute老师给的答案是C,但我在有道词典上 People are puzzuled—they read the book.the first time,at the first time,for the first time选哪英语单选题 英语单选:He is the boy _________ I went shopping just now.英语单选:He is the boy _________ I went shopping just now.A.who B.with whomC.whose D.with that 英语翻译he is the first who walked there请英语学霸来 我还有一些问题 英语【单选】7____either he or Jane and Tom going to the museum tomorrow?【答案】Is为什么不是Are? 英语单选1353:I think the first thing you should do isI think the first thing you should do is ___ to your teacher for what you have doneA.apologizingB.to apologize 英语单选1353:I think the first thing you should do isI think the first thing you should do is ___ to your teacher for what you have doneA.apologizingB.to apologize 【初二英语】【单选】He arrive here ____the first of May.He arrive here ____the first of May.A.inB.onC.atD.to He is first .还是 He is the first .同理:He won first place.还是He won the first place.区别是什么? 几道英语单选,说说为什么1、I'll never forget __ you for the first time.A、to meet B、meeting C、to have met D、having to be meeting2.As a public relation officer,he is said __ some very influential people.A.to know B.to be knowing C.to