以下是高二英语检测题.为虾米不能用括号里的词组替换括号前的词组,(括号里是我选错的),1`My mother announced(asked) that my brother and I could only watch two to three pre-selected TV programs during the week.2`I w

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 05:03:15
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以下是高二英语检测题.为虾米不能用括号里的词组替换括号前的词组,(括号里是我选错的),1`My mother announced(asked) that my brother and I could only watch two to three pre-selected TV programs during the week.2`I w 羽里色是虾米东东?死神里的羽里色是虾米东东,动画看完了都不晓得~ (你想来参加我的生日派对吗?)这句话用英语怎么说?( )is the second last month of a year。括号里应该填虾米? 英语填空题she said that she did not like her present flat and _____( try)to find another .用括号里单词的正确时态填空.为什么不能用tried?was trying.并把这个句子翻译了. 英语填空题 Tom____ 【bring】 an umbrella as it was raining.用括号里词的正确时态填空.正确的是had brought.为什么不能用过去时brought呢?这是一段话中的一句. 英语中有关a,the的问题There is (a )guitar on the wall .You must like playing the guitar.为什么括号里的不能用the 不锈钢锻件为何不能用超声检测? ATP能不能用酶标仪检测? 虾米里含什么 I read an interesting book (on) Mark Twain .括号里为什么不能用for They sang sngs (near)the campfire.括号里的为什么不能用besides? 2011-2012高一必修A数学周报第三期:函数的基本性质检测题B巩固提高 我快崩溃了,所有的题都是那么难!为虾米班级里的朝鲜留学生他们都会,而我们却一片茫然啊!有木有高一的新生也在受这套 英语,第一题!为什么不能用then? 英语59题,为什么不能用borrow? (whether)this material can be used in our factory has not been studied yet 括号里为什么不能用that如题, 为虾米会酱紫 44444加减乘除得1不能用括号 just be patient.you(?)expect the world to change so soon.括号里为何只能用can't,不能用may not?不就是表推测么?