两个语法题,请看下面的句子l was hooping that you would never be a backsilder again这里为什么要用would never 不用will neverl am afraid it's snowball's chance hell afraid 后面为什么没主语啦

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 11:43:54
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两个语法题,请看下面的句子l was hooping that you would never be a backsilder again这里为什么要用would never 不用will neverl am afraid it's snowball's chance hell afraid 后面为什么没主语啦 关于一个句子的语法请看下面一个句子A cough that wouldn`t go away was followed by episodes of fatigue so severe that he wouldn`t or couldn`t look after himself .这里有一个 so that 的句子,和整个句子的主干联系起来在 我是六年级学生帮 我答一些英语题请看下面England的形容词 five的序数词 I的形容词性物主代词 your人称代词重组单词 t e l t h f w w r e e h m n u i t e p e e a l s a e l e p s h n t r o p t i h l a o s t r s t i g 请看下面,这两个怎么读? 亲们,请看下面的题目: 中译英:请看下面的截图 英语翻译请看下面的内容! 关于英语中动词make的问题请看下面的两个句子:Who would you like to make sing this song?其中make后无to对吗?He was made to sing this song?其中made后有to对吗?请回答,附理由,谢谢! 英语翻译1.He has had several jobs since he graduated form Yale.2.He has had several jobs since he was a student at Yale.为什么语法书上解释说这两个句子的意思是相近的.同样下面一句It's two weeks since I was ill.语法书 1.请看下面的表格,然后用表示频率的副词写句子. 一句话We found him was easy to get along with.为什么有两个动词?found,was?在无敌语法上看到的句子 这个两个下面的符号什么意思请看图.看图时,请点击图看. 1.请看下面的表格,然后用频率的副词写句子(深圳报业集团出版社的寒假作业第55页的第一题)快点啊! 两个英语的语法问题1.我想知道tie 和attach在下面两个句子中有何区别:Shocked and frightened,the lizard spied on the children watching his tail continue moving about,even though it was no longer attached/tied to his body.2.“ 请看下面的例子 翻译这句话 副词可以和名词连用吗?请看下面两个句子:It's nearly lunchtime.It's almost lunchtime.nearly和almost不是副词吗?怎么可以和后面的名词连用? SAT语法,请看截图的问题.为什么选D.前面两句话不是独立句子了吗?is 后面不是一个新的独立句子了吗? 请看错误的题,