英语口语考试,1.Do you think that there exists sexual discrimination when finding a job?If it exists,what is your opinion,agree or disagree?2.Talk about the methods that people usually use to express their feelings or wishes to their friends dur

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 21:33:04
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Do you enjoy learning English?Why or why not?英语口语考试题目,回答要达三分钟. do you like to travel alone or with a friend?why?是英语口语考试 1.what do you think of the popularity of dating shows and talent shows on TV?以这个话题为英语口语考试的话题,求具体应该说什么 英语口语考试what brand do you like best?求六句话的回答!谢谢(ˇˍˇ)~ 以how do you keep healthy?为题写一篇作文 短一点的,六七句足矣,应付英语口语考试的 Do you think it is necessary to give expensive gifts英语口语考试,两三分钟就好,谢了 what do you think we should worry about the envieonment 英语口语考试要用 至少2分钟 how do you feel about living alone?英语口语考试,四个人一组,求一整篇,300词左右 what do you think we should worry about the envieonment 英语口语考试要用 至少2分钟大家帮帮忙呀 英语口语考试的题目是:why do you think some students would not be keen to be a summer intern 英语口语考试:Do you know the proverb related to time Time and tide wait for no man?what do you think of it? Do you help your parents do housework?这是英语口语考试中的问题,要求根据这个问题用英语回答叙述,越长越好.非常感谢 我要准备英语口语考试,现在大一!外教要求给他叙述他预先给我的6个问题,每个问题要求能回答两分钟左右!1.what can you do to save the environment?2.who do you admire most and why?3.what do you do in your spare time what subject do you like?Why?英语口语 英语大神能帮写篇文章吗?200字,写简单点.which kind of food do you like best and why?楼主大一,是作为英语口语考试的材料 Do you think schools,including primary schools,should permit students to carry mobile phones?英语口语考试话题,要是两人对话 求高手来个四分钟的回答 Do you think schools,including primary schools,should permit students to carry mobile phones?英语口语考试话题,求高手来个一分半的回答 英语口语考试,Have you ever had any embarrassing experience because you forgot somethingHave you ever had any embarrassing experience because you forgot something?What are the methods you use to remember things?Are they effective?Do you want to