英语,代词填空He like ______ class and we like ___class.(he we)___classroom is over there.(they)My pen is brown..can i use ____?(he)Your grandma is old.you must look after_____(she)They love ____(they) family and we love ___(our)These are my pic

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 07:01:25
xRJ@toPЕ dZGdLbN] ".EDV;I[E]s{&A>8<>o7Nj^]Gvf̍A{ ^R"HhHC'6rhĦZƚdƉ"2 u$'x*bBL [Ȍ#`(· rzZqfе֧PןFP$nPԖP״M_I3\ _q6HnFf<MAU;3p}F9 yG8-X bYcQbCˈ_F`^O/jœzqkX+al֔PҁF;ARBcD@$pqG^:vBQ""+Mh_Ta'M[
英语填空,人称代词_____在任何情况下都要大写 Does he _____(like)____(learn)it?适当形式填空 这道英语填空题怎么写?No,he doesn'tlike it,_____.只能填一个形式正确的单词.No,he doesn't like it,_____. he is____ a kind friend that_____of us like him.(代词填空) 英语代词填空五道填句子, 英语.选择正确代词填空 英语填空,用不定代词 求解看题用代词he she it填空 (代词填空) is my brother.( he ) 英语填空:They all like the story except_____(he) ..英语填空Would you like _____(go) _____(row) with me. 英语,代词填空He like ______ class and we like ___class.(he we)___classroom is over there.(they)My pen is brown..can i use ____?(he)Your grandma is old.you must look after_____(she)They love ____(they) family and we love ___(our)These are my pic 五年级英语用动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填充1.Do you like _____ (run) after dogs?No,I _______(do).2.What do you _____(like)?I like ____ (sit) on the ball.3.What ____ (do ) Liu Tao _____ (have)?He _____ (have) a to 英语:用适当代词填空1、Excuse me ,is this your pen?No,_____ isn't.It's not ______.It's Helen's.2、Look!What are _____in English?Oh,_____ are eggs.3、This is our classroom.It's big and bright._____ all like it 4、Is the green dress Mary' 英语人称代词和物主代词的填空 英语填空.快 1.Tom is upset,because he _____ his ______ leg yesterday.He went to _____ the doctor this morning.2.I like the Great Wall very much.It's _____ Beijing.We _____ going to go there this summer holiday.I think we will _____ happy.3.Look “到他十岁的时候 就已经学完了高等数学”用英语怎么说 填空_____ _____ _____ he was ten,he _____ _____ advanced math. 英语代词填空五道选择,