After they settled down,they___ the fire and began to cookA.lighted B.lit C.are lighting D.lightA or B 这两个不是一样的啊

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 06:44:57
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分析各个选项,------in a friendly way,they both were satisfied with the result a having been settled their quarrel b their quarrel being settled c their quarrel settled d after their quarrel settled ____in a friendly way,. they both were satisfied with the result.A Having been settled their quarrel B Their quarrel being settled C their quarrel settled D after their quarrel settled答案是C 一个英语选择题 分析各个选项,谢谢------in a friendly way,they both were satisfied with the result a having been settled their quarrel b their quarrel being settled c their quarrel settled d after their quarrel se After they settled down,they___ the fire and began to cookA.lighted B.lit C.are lighting D.lightA or B 这两个不是一样的啊 [w19] They had a fierce argument,______ the dispute was settled in a way that was acceptedto both sides.A.after whichB.after that which that 翻译,并分析. The problem ( ),they all went home happily.A.setting be settled C.settled settle为什么 为什么?They have___to meet me at the airport.A.AssignedB.readyC.arranged D.settled After a few rounds of talks,both sides regarded the territory dispute____.After a few rounds of talks,both sides regarded the territory dispute____.A being settled B to be settled C had settled D as settled正确答案是D,但我觉得是B.为什么 After a few rounds of talks ,both sides regarded the territory dispute _____ .希望能解释,regard as,在此句种到底该如何翻译,是什么意思和用法,A.being settled be settled C.had settled settled we can't imagine what great difficulty they have ____ the problems in the plan.A to settle B settling C settled D to be settled 为什么 怎样翻译那么the problems in the plan 是什么成分,是谁的宾语 After a few rounds of talks,both sides regarded the problem___A.being be settledC.had settledDas settled.选D为什么? They () very well every dayA.are looking after B.have looked after C.are looked after D.should look after Scarely _____ themselves in their seats in the theatre _____ the curtain went up.A.did they settle;when B.did they settle;than C.had they settled;when D.had they settle;than 我选C The question_____ finally,we went be settled B.settling C.having settled D.settled They have not settled the problem of ____ it is necessary for her to take part in “Super girl”.A.If B.whether C.what Since the mid-1980's,growing numbers of Asians ______ in New Zealand,and theyand they _____about six percent of the total population.A.had settled; make of B.have settled; make up C,settled; make up of D.are settling; make up It()ten years since they settled down here填空 you want to get together after work?-------i am free.A.that is settled isyou want to get together after work?-------i am free.A.that is settled is up to you that right?D.oh,really?