一道英语时态题Could you please ask him—— (call)me tomorrow?can后面跟原形ask后面是to do sth那到底填什么?请说明原因

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 13:42:20
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一道英语时态题Could you please ask him—— (call)me tomorrow?can后面跟原形ask后面是to do sth那到底填什么?请说明原因 问一道英语时态题目Why didn’t you tell me you could __ me the money?I needn’t __it_form the bank.第一格的lend和第二格的borrow分别应该用什么时态呢? 一道英语时态题As you (approaching )the town the first b一道英语时态题As you (approaching )the town the first building you see is the church括号里的应该填这个吗还是别的时态 一道英语时态题 It's very important that you ____me all the information.(give) 【初一下英语填空】急!Oh,so many people!Excuse me,could you please help me with this bag?C_______,You look a bit tired.Here,please take my s_______.That's very kind of you ,I'm not f_______ well now.I think I have a bit of cold.Could you ple lf you have any questions ple 一道英语选择题,求解释.44题Could you tell me__for the meeting this morning?Because the traffic was bad. 【英语时态/宾语从句】选择题求解释No one can be sure ______ in a million years.A.what man looks likeB.what man looked likeC.what man will look like求分析然后是想问问宾语从句有什么意义,像Can you tell me where ___ ,ple 一道英语选择题:Could you( )me your bike?A.borrowB.borrowedC.lendD.lent 一道英语作业,could you ()his coat()him()() (立即传给) 英语时态疑惑求救______ you could sing English song so well?A,Hadn't you known B,Didn't you know这句话的时态到底用什么?用A和B答案有何区别/ 六年级英语时态题 初二英语的一道题把下面的句子连成 “宾语从句”Could you tell me? How can I get to the post office? 一道英语选择题,请详细说明原因Lin tao,could you lend me this book please?Sorry,but I____it for only half an hour.I have't finished it答案是have had(have已经表示拥有了,为什么后面还有个had呢?是完成时态吗)have could 用于什么时态 I could是什么时态 HELP!一道初三英语题Could you tell me_____?a)who you are waiting forb)where you live in为什么b选项不对?能否详细一点,为什么改成where you live 就对了 ?【那么who是否本身不含有介词?】 Could you please give me some advices?Could ,please ,some,advices.这四个词中那个是有错误,为什么?结合上面的句子,其实就是一道英语的改错题.