1.He told me a new bridge ---- in his village the next year.A,built B.will build C,will be built D. would be built.请给答案的同时给一个详细点的解释.2.It's going to rain,---the sky is dark为什么用for?for当并列连词时解释成

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 01:07:24
xRMo@+^Gp6JR .8:ĤVS'BonԤI?L*5)m$JBT/^ m͈- FT$P5P&>\)$K2nya,iB*_UJjX((@62$Ŝr ?3? vٰ6ۻ qL\p{͠bmqCbYQ4IQS.R/ ,H2q>ħ7щӦ-M)e'}ַCM 0%tf63Ǩv{mn&E,b$Rx/dDf Uїcnx- +Eͱ^#r|ތ pHmhckD=I P坼T겘+1rŅ;@\4x[>o;hG20@먽:h<y:{;$AD
选出错误的一个 He ( A told ) me he ( B will) call (C me ) tomorrow. 1.he is afraid of ( ) stranger.A see B saw C seeing D seen2.Tom can hardly work out the maths problems,()he?A can B can't C does D doesn't3.I was angry with her and wouldn't speak a word to her ( ) she bought me a new pen and told me the() she didn't 英语翻译1.He _______ finding a taxi for me,even though I told him I lived nearby.A.insisted on B.insisted at C.insisted that D.insisted in答案��?font face=Times New Roman >A2.He ________ me do the work.A.gives B.helps C.minds D. He told me a story为什么tell变成了told? 1.he told me that he_____come back in a few days.A.will B.could C.would D./ 1.( )film includes some recently discovered newsreels of( )World Wall two.A the,the B a,the C the,不填 D a ,不填2.He told me only part of the story and that was( ).A it B this C so D that3.The Lunar New Year was always a happy time ( ).A for I hardly understand. ___ he has told me. A. that B. what C. which D. who I hardly understand.___ he has told me.A.that B.what C.which D.who that's ____ he told me the other day.A that B whichC whenD what He told me that he ( ) ( ) ( ) to New York.他要去纽约旅行) 1.You never told me you had seen your pen friend,________ you?A.had B.did C.didn’t D.weren’t17.They agreed that they that agent first since he was anxious to find new dealers.A.would rather not to contact B.rather would not contactC.would rather Mr.Green told us that he a trip to New York...Mr.Green told us that he ______ a trip to New York the next week.A.was making B.will make C.is making D.has made With his back __________ me,he told me his sad story.A.towards B.among C.on D.as he told me that he _____ the bike last week.A buy B bought C had bought D would buy He told me that he ( )a cold for three daysA has B had caughtC had hadD has had he told me he had a talk___A gives B giving C to give D gave选什么,为什么, he told me he had a talk__A gives B giving C to give D gave 选哪个,为什么啊,水平 1.He told me a new bridge ---- in his village the next year.A,built B.will build C,will be built D. would be built.请给答案的同时给一个详细点的解释.2.It's going to rain,---the sky is dark为什么用for?for当并列连词时解释成