If we did that,we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies可不可说成:If we did that,we would concentrate more on our clothes rather than our studies

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 17:49:13
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When Did We Do That If we did that,we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies可不可说成:If we did that,we would concentrate more on our clothes rather than our studies 这句话是虚拟语气吗Our teachers believe that if we did that,we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.“if we did that”,有人说之所以用did,是因为这句话是虚拟语气,请帮我分析下if we did that,we would... Our teachers believe that if we did that,we would concentrate more on our studies这个句子是if引导的条件状语从句,为什么还用过去式 not once did we do that是什么意思 Our teachers believe that if we did that,we would concentrate more on our studies谁帮忙翻译这句话啊 If you did that again,we wouldn't allow you to work with us .哪段是主句?是不是后半段? 英语翻译Action is character,our English teacher says.I think it means that if we never did anything,...we wouldn't be anybody. if it rains tomorrow ,we won't wo to the park的意思, Another question might be if we should trust that we didn't reach an invalid state...Another question might be if we should trust that we didn't reach an invalid state? And if we against all odds did reach an invalid state 这句话什么意思啊? Our+teachers+believe+that+if+we+did+that句中哪个是主句哪个是从句,主句为什么可以单独提出做一个句子? We never quarrel now__we did when we were childrenA.as B.if C.like D.for We've all been taught that we should help people.It is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others.It may even win us favors in return.However,we must be realistic.We can't say yes to every request.If we did,we would fail or go crazy f our teacher believe that if we did that,we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies这句子中为什么用clothes和studies的这种形式呢? when did we he said that was where he was born too间接引语he did ask the concert hall manager if we could have some at the cheaper price.这句也改下。 I only said it'd be better if we were not friends ,not that I did not wanna be !什么意思?要准确的.谢谢.对我很重要! we were proud that wo were the only ones that dared to challenge the weather.是什么从句,介绍下