用正确的介词填空 Yang Ling is showing a map ( )the town( )her friend.Jim is late ( )school today.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 07:04:01
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用正确的介词填空 Yang Ling is showing a map ( )the town( )her friend.Jim is late ( )school today. yang Ling dose _____ (well) in English than Su Yang.用所给单词的正确形式填空 根据句意,用适当的介词填空.I'll make friends ______Wang Ling. Yang Ling dances_________(beautiful)than Lily用所给词的适当形式填空 ___helen and yang ling go to school on foot every day?用适当的助动词填空. 用正确的介词填空 用be的正确形式填空 I ( ) at school just now(刚才).He ( ) at the hotel last week.We ( ) students two years ago.They ( ) on the farm a moment ago(刚才).Yang Ling ( ) eleven years old last year.There ( ) an apple on the p 选择括号里合适的词填空.he is asking yang ling how (getting,to get) 用正确的介词填空 英语 用正确的英语介词填空 英语作业用正确的介词填空 yang ling 每天睡的比su yang 晚 yang ling()to ()()than su yang every day 填空This pair of gloves _______for Yang Ling?(be) 用适当的介词填空.英语mr black and yang ling are talking( )a partyshe wants ( ) buy a sweater ( ) her daughter.l like reading and l can learn a lot ( ) books.let's have a look ( ) the picture.there is a 用正确的介词填空 You look___your father I Mr zhang __ __ __the post office 用be动词的适当形式填空; I( )at school just now He ( ) at the camp last week we ( )students two用be动词的适当形式填空;I( )at school just nowHe ( ) at the camp last week we ( )students two years ago Yang Ling ( ) 用an,is,are填空 The black gioves ( ) for Su Yuang.This pair of gioves ( ) for Yang Ling. 用所给句子的正确形式填空.A----1.He's _____(strong) than the other children.2.look!they're_____(have) a chat.3.Jim can _____(play) music beautifully.4.what _____(do) Yang Ling often do after school?5.what _____(do) Su Hai do last Sunday mo