I _____clean the table before dinner.A.have to B.has to C.have

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 17:12:05
I _____clean the table before dinner.A.have to B.has to C.have I'll pick up the tab. Spending habits:I usually pick up the tab i keep a running tab of the weekly cost 请问如何翻译尤其是running 英语翻译i keep a running tab of the weekly cost 少了个running I need it _____clean my room a.at b.in c.to Must I clean the room right now?--No,you______.You _____clean it after lunch.A.needn't can B.needn't may 到底是A还是B,说出理由!但我觉得不对 the tape is locked-check the tab 英语翻译I:That’s the bit of the can that drops down into the drink when we pull the tab.D:Yeah,hopefully.Sometimes the tab just breaks off. 政府正在设法把这些污水变成干净的水.The government is trying _____ ____the polluted water _____clean water. 英语翻译I like Firefox 3.5's new New Tab button,which takes a page from Internet Explorer and Opera's playbook with a plus sign that makes it more obvious how to add a new tab.You can also now grab a tab and drag it into a new window on the deskt 吉他TAB谱上M-I-T中的T是什么意思? 英译中:Go to the tab and verify the information in the yellow highlighted columns. Drum Error--Take Drum out,slide the blue tab from side to side several times,return the tab to蓝色的图标在哪里呀?找不到 He would always foot the bill, and pick up the tab. 帮翻译一,谢谢. Explore each of the major tabs on the site.中tab是什么意思 VB print tab(10-i)中10是什么;10是啥意思 在VB程序设计中print tab(j*8+1);a(i);是什么意思