Notify party 和 consignee分别什么意思啊?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 01:28:17
Notify party 是什么意思? Notify party 和 consignee分别什么意思啊? 有哪位外贸高手解释一下海运提单上“consignee”和“notify party”的区别与联系? Consignee:TO ORDER-the same notify party 海运提单中 ALSO NOTIFY PARTY consingnee,notify party的区别. 提单上Notify party 和Consignee一样,是不是就可以在Notify party一栏填Same as consignee?如果按照按照Consignee一栏再输入一遍,是不是和输入Same as consignee的意思一样? Ship to,Deliver to,Consignee Notify Party的区别请问在物流中,经常能看到Ship to,Deliver to,Consignee和Notify Party,据说四个甚至能在一张单子里出现,请问这四个有什么区别吗? notify和inform的区别 关于提单consignee和notify party的问题Full set of three original clean on board Ocean Bills of Lading marked Freight Prepaid,consigned to the order of the shipper and notify XXX Co.,Ltd.TEL:XXX,FAX:XXX.这应该如何翻译,consignee和notify 谁告诉我notify和notice的区别 NOTIFY ACCOUNTEE 是 NOTIFY APPLICANT 我有一信用证,对提单的要求是写的“NOTIFY ACCOUNTEE,请问这和 “NOTIFY APPLICANT 是相同的意思吗? 信用证made out to order of 客户公司名和地址,notify:same在此条款下提单中consignee和notify party要怎么显示才对?另外:这样对发货人来说安全吗?跟客户沟通过了,客户不同意修改... 海运提单上面NOTIFY PARTY 的地址错了,有什么后果 请问海运Letter of Guarantee中能显示提单中的Notify Party吗 英语翻译Full set clean on board ocean shipping B/L consigned to order,blank endorsed,markedfreight prepaid”、“freight paid”and notify party,in3original and 3copies.怎么翻译?freight prepaid”和“freight paid”意思一样吗? 请问一道国际结算的题If L/C states the B/L must show notify orderers,the notify party of the B/L should be:(如果信用证要求必须有‘notify orderers’ (不知道怎么翻),则提单上的notify party 应该是:A.the issuing ba 【倾家荡产】谁来帮我翻译一下offer I am pleased to notify you that Dextrys (Party A) intends to offe