Bread costs less in this shop than in most other shops.为什么要用less而不用fewer?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 00:04:42
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Bread costs less in this shop than in most other shops.为什么要用less而不用fewer? Fair value less costs to keep your costs in recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its value less costs to sell and its value in use帮忙翻译下这句话的意思了, I cook myself on average costs half to two-thirds less than a comparable meal in a restaurant.怎么翻译啊,尤其是数字那? Water costs some in less 的意思 英语成分分析We will apply a new management system that results in less pollution add lower production costs.这个句子看不懂啊!这个是我班上的小测卷,会不会有印错的单词? this trend has widespread repercussions on society as a the first place,the burgeoning e-commerce will,doubtless,boost corporate efficiency immeasurably and higher efficiency means more earnings and less costs for business. 英语翻译Australia offers excellent value for money,with living expenses and tuition costs in Australia considerably less expensive than the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA).这句话中的offers excellent value for money 16. The more cars there are in the city, ___________ we’ll have on the roads. A. the less space B. the fewer space C. the less place D. the fewer place17. My new digital camera costs me only _________ the last one I bought. A. half 这句话完整意思是?For retailers, they can save a lots of costs that are originally used to rent a store in the downtown and pay employees for less salary compared with traditional market sale.理解难点是付给雇员薪水,中间加了less 英语翻译I thought that declaring quite a lot less than real value might be in vain risky.I'd have to declare less than 22 euro to not pay customs taxes; for prices 22-150 it costs the same (I inquired about it better...)However,I rely on you.Cons Bread There is 什么 bread in the basket Look.Some bread( ) in the box. Shanghai is in the bread of China Who ate the bread in the end?