The utmost embarrassment of the early airport person happened to me a few years age when I was flying from New York to Chicago.When I got to the ticket counter,the person there said,“Sir,you have a seat on the 9:15 a.m.flight,is that right?” “Y

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 22:14:40
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Have hated you to the utmost degree the boy was so (embarrass)when his teacher asked him I want to do our utmost in the last month 准确的中文翻译! love is of utmost importance for human beings.请问hunman beings 前面需要加the么? Conservation is of the utmost importance能把of去掉么?这个词在这是什么用处? Cotton Zseven.It's the utmost limit|high-point|madness.请问怎么翻? strain my utmost 英语翻译what this sentence/pic to the utmost extent,reveal is that _.这句话有无语法错误?求翻译 句子:It is of the utmost importance that you (should) be here on time.这句话为什么用虚拟啊? I am aware of the repercussions of cheating,and will do my utmost best to ensure I do n It is of utmost urgency that your suggestion () before the meeting.A:hear B:hears C:be heard D: You play to win,and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win.为什么这么写 of utmost significance是固定短语吗?见到一句话是It is my view that limiting the use of disposal plastic bags is of utmost significance.大意是限制一次性塑料袋是有重要意义的.这句话里of utmost significance是固定短语 It's rather___________that I still can't solve the problem.A embarrass B embarrassing C boring D interesting哪一个解释说明 If the world is to remain peaceful,the utmost must be made by nations to limit local___.A.collisionsB.combatsC.contradictionsD.conflicts 英语翻译school exists to inspire the inner promise of each student and instill the utmost care for learning,people,and place 用embarrass造句,后面注上翻译 We need that Sirs inform us,with utmost urgency,to form lots of spares to be delivered according to the Price List,as follows: