
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 11:37:25
x)+KN)HIJMI+IL))H-JI,OH,K}ދ:&<_jTO^;l~6c@Y_]mOv4<ٱϗz6}[|V Pө]:/O" dD @*SHhBejbQFyjjv&Q6yvPۀ9!X c=$s^t2
since,they,been,from,ago,two,here,away,have连词成句 they have been away from here since two years ago同义句 ___ ___ two years ___ they left here They got married in 1957._____then they have been living in London.选BA.After B.Since C.From D.By The work has been finished since they came here They have been married ever since.什么意思 They have been here since 2000.划since 2000.(对划线提问)____ ____have they been here? they have been here since 1988,对1988进行提问,()()have they been here? they have been here since 2000____ ____ ____they been here? They have been on good___with each other since they met.选项:a、relationsb、 friendshipc、 termd、 terms He _______ Shanghai since he graduate from the universityA.has been to B.has leftC.has been away from They've been waiting here since twenty minutes ago.(为什么加been,加been表示什么) have since been 和 have been since 英语翻译“weather forecasting has been done by national government,although,since any rain forecast for London incorporates data collected from as far away as Fiji,they have to cooperate. pls help to translate below english sentencebelow setence:the cultural affinities between Britain and the United States have been complicated since Churchill's time by everything from demography to changing intellectual fashions.yet they remain vita for ;since的用法He has been away from China ____three years ago.A.inB./C.for D.since His brother went away and has never been heard____答案用from ever since为什么不能用since then They have been studying since his mother left this money对since his mother left this money提问怎摸 His brother went away and has never been heard____.from ever since ,为什么不能用since thenA since then B from ever since C after that time D from then on 说A不和句意