名词名从句的一些题1 One of the reasons ___Bruce left home was ___he wanted to lead a quiet life in the country.A how anxious I have been B so anxious I have been C how I have been anxious D so anxious2 An encouraging word to someone who is s

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 04:06:08
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名词名从句的一些题1 One of the reasons ___Bruce left home was ___he wanted to lead a quiet life in the country.A how anxious I have been B so anxious I have been C how I have been anxious D so anxious2 An encouraging word to someone who is s one of 加复数名词,这个结构在定语从句和名词性从句中谓语单复数不同, one of的用法【除了意思和+形容词最高级+名词复数】简洁一些的 一小段英语语法的文字,在“one of+复数名词+定语从句”结构中,定于从句一般被看做修饰的是前面的复数名词,所以定于从句中的谓语动词用复数形式;在“the one of+复数名词+定语从句“结构 one of +名词 的用法 有哪些 关于to do结构prep 07 practice 1 第69题的解释中说to do结构只能修饰动词,不能用于修饰名词.所以with the sole intent to sell是错误的,应该改成with the sole intent of selling.但OG 10th 84题有一句:One legacy of Mad one of+名词什么 新概念二中 one of 用法,新概念二28课的第一句话:Jasper White is one of those people who believes in ancient myths.这里不是one of+复数名词+定语从句吗?定语从句修饰前面的复数名词,为什么从句的动词believe In times of trouble or difficult one takes---- help is available.横线考察的是名词性从句和定语从句的内容. 名词1+of+名词2结构能不能都用名词2+名词1代替名,如the roofs of the church=the church roofs教堂的屋顶 名词+of+名词所有格与名词+of+名词性物主代词 的区别 一些名词性从句题目 定语从句所修饰的范围He is one of the students who help me.He is the one of the students who helps me.他是帮我的学生之一.第一句定语从句与the students 一致.第二句定语从句与the one 一致.定语从句修饰名词和 名词性从句的一道题We hold the view____.A.that the book says in the endB.that what the book says in the end is instructiveC.that what the book says in the endD.what the book says in the end这题选B.view是抽象名词所以后面要跟有th one of +名词后接定语从句,先行词是这个名词还是one of 1.This is one of the most interesting questions( that have been asked).2.The only one of the actors (who knows the line well )is not here.从这两句结构相似的例句看来, one of+可数名词复数 在主句和从句中的谓语单复数判断方式是不同的,不同在哪里啊! 名词短语,代词,数词,名词从句的例子.麻烦举一些名词短语,动词不定式,代词,名词从句做主语的英语句子. One of +复数名词造句