有人问你where are you from?如果你是中国人,但是现在在英国.应该答china还是britain

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 06:58:19
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英文Where are you 如果有人问你该怎么回答? 有人问你where are you from?如果你是中国人,但是现在在英国.应该答china还是britain where are you live in?这句话对吗?where do you live 你住在那里?问地区的对吗? 谁能介绍一些英语聊天室常用短语?比如Where are you from 是你从那里来,但要问 你是那国人,你住在那个城市该怎么说,等等有人聊天吗,用英语怎么说 别人问了你where are you from,你回答了,之后想再问他来自哪里还这么问还是? 英语基本语法问题问你在哪里是用where are you.为什么you是单数还是要用are 如果我想问peter在哪里是where is peter 还是where are peter?原因 有木有人有where are you going,where have you been 的译文? 你从哪里来除了问Where do you come from?还可以怎么问Where are you from 为什么不能像Where do you come from?一样用COME 假设是你要去登山,有人问你how are you going to prepare for it 怎么回答 where are you 和 where you are “你在哪?”用哪个? 当别人问你“Where are you from?”时,什么情况下用“Chinese”,什么情况下可用“China”? 别人要问where are you from要怎么回答 为什么不是where are you want to go?问什么? where do you go?请问 where do you go 在中文里表达的是什么意思通常中文里 有 3种情况你去了那里? where did you go? 你(等会)要去那里? where will you go?你这是去那里(问的人正在走着) where are you Where were you yesterday?为什么没有介词?Where were you yesterday?请问这句话有错吗?问你昨天在哪,这句话为什么没有介词?at之类那Where are you?这句话成立吗 翻译 你到哪啦啊? (请不要翻成where are you now就是你知道对方已经出发了 在路上, 所以不停问,你到哪啦,现在又到哪啦 滕课,where are you 我是amy!哈哈!想你了! 你从哪里来是where are you from 还是where were you from 3Q