A:Hi,_i help you?B:Yes,_.I want to_a club A:_club do you _ to join B:i don't konwA:Can you_the guitar?B:Yes,I_.But I_paly it very_.A:I_you can join the music clubB:Thanks.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:44:58
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Can i help you Thanks _i appreciate your offer,this is my responsibility.A although B whetherc until D unless A:Hi,_i help you?B:Yes,_.I want to_a club A:_club do you _ to join B:i don't konwA:Can you_the guitar?B:Yes,I_.But I_paly it very_.A:I_you can join the music clubB:Thanks. A:Hi,( ) I help you?B:Yes,( ) .I ( ) to join the art ( ).A:Good.填空 英语高手帮帮忙-补全对话--A:hi,( ) i help you?B:yes,( ).I( )to join the art( ) _I am told you are leaving for Beijing.__-Who__so?A says B said 答案为什么是A而不是B I don't think I shall go with you _I may if you A.unless B.whetherC.butD.and If I can help _I don`t like working late into the night.A So B that C it D them选C 为什么啊 Hi!Can I help you?123 hi can you help me hello Hi,Mike.Can you help me?-- OK.________.A.You'll help me B.I'm going C.I'm coming D.I'm leaving到底是B还是C啊? Hi,Jake,come here.I need your help.( )A.What is the time?B.What is up?C.I want your car.D.What would you like? 请选择正确答案并说明理由(一题)--Hi,Mike.Can you help me?--OK._____.A.You'll help me B.I'm going C.I'm coming D.i'm leaving Can I help you _,_I want a pair of shoes.What_do you_.Black.Here _ _._ _are you I'll buy them ._you.you 're_.一个空填一个单词 I will write to you _I get there .A while B as soon as C as D since 为什么?凭语感选出了B, -Hi,Mary. -Hi,Lucy. I ------- you are here. A.didn't know B.don't know Who you this morning?A help B help _I have a bad cold _______________A.No problem B.Yes you don't look well.C.I 'm sorry to hear that.D.That's too bad Would you please keep silent?The weather report and _I want to listen.A is brodcast B is been brodcast C has been brodcast D had been brodcast