猜猜是什么动物(英语)1 It can make eggs.2 It has a long tail and it likes to eat bananas.3 It is very fat and it likes to sleep.4 It has no feet ,but is can "walk"in water.5 It has long ears and red eyes.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 03:39:14
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猜猜是什么动物(英语)1 It can make eggs.2 It has a long tail and it likes to eat bananas.3 It is very fat and it likes to sleep.4 It has no feet ,but is can walkin water.5 It has long ears and red eyes. 用英语描述一种动物,让大家猜猜是什么动物 猜猜 是英语拼写是什么? 小班主题猜猜是什么动物教案反思 猜猜是什么动物 答对了一定采纳 猜猜是什么动物 答对了一定采纳 You can read books there.猜猜是什么. You can post letters there.猜猜是什么 it's black and white.it has a long tail.it can run very fast.谁能猜猜我的叙述中的动物 皮较硬的动物 猜猜猜猜 猜猜是什么字:表里如一,果断有力.猜猜是什么成语:双手赞成,动物做标本? 猜猜是什么字 表里不一 果断有力 猜猜是什么成语 双手赞同 动物做样本 五年级英语难题!请哥哥姐姐帮帮小妹我~~~~一.猜猜这些是什么:1.What has a foot, but can't walk? It's a ________________.2.What has legs, but can't wallk? It's a _________________.3.What has arms and legs, but can't move? It's a _ It's a part of our life.It has no legs.But it can walk all day and all night.猜猜是什么? 英语练习题.猜猜它们是什么动物,并将单词写在横线上。1.It is usually white.It has red eyes,long ears and a short tail2.It is big and strong.It hes a long nose and two big ears3.It likes eating and sleeping.It has a big nose 动物的叫声 翻译成英语怎么说?谢谢“现在我来模仿动物的叫声,你来猜猜是什么动物”。这句话怎么用英语翻译呢? 猜猜是什么 猜猜,是什么,