为什么这两个句子,一个用suppose,一个用supposing?Suppose he asked you to marry him,what would you say?Suppoing your parents had refused,how would you have felf?第二个句子打错了,是Supposing your parents had refused,how would y

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 07:06:12
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为什么这两个句子,一个用suppose,一个用supposing?Suppose he asked you to marry him,what would you say?Suppoing your parents had refused,how would you have felf?第二个句子打错了,是Supposing your parents had refused,how would y (suppose) you are a famous singer ,what will you do 这是一个选择题,选项中有if,为什么用suppose而不用if do you suppose he is doing now /what do you suppose he is doing now?这两个都对吗/前者可以看成是宾语从句吗?do you suppose what he is doing now?这个句子对不? You(were supposed)to finish them last week为什么were suppose用这个时态和语态?这句子也不是被动啊 suppose that you make a mistake who do you least want to know about it句子的意思我知道,不过中间为什么要加一个who,这是什么语法?意思我知道,我是问为什么who要放在那里? I suppose you could give a talk instead of Jack.suppose为什么不要用过去式? there is surely some doubt about that 还有一个句子 i am sure in favor of your decision这两个句子为什么一个用surely 一个用sure What do you suppose has happened to him?是这个句子看成一个简单句,do you suppose 作为一个插入语.还是把这个句子看成一个复合句,do you suppose 是主句? Suppose I give you a ring and let you know.这句话里面为什么suppose在句首,怎么翻译 一个句子里不可以出现两个动词,后一个为什么用动名词 What ___ would happen if the director knew the fact?A、do you suppose B、 will C、you suppose D、 you would suppose为什么选A 请翻译句子 what am I suppose to do 为什么惯用suppose? 用“自言自语”、“抱歉”这两个词,造一个句子. 用“节奏”、“乐谱”这两个词,造一个句子 用“情不自禁”“五湖四海”这两个词语造一个句子 用“倾听”、“溜之大吉”这两个词,造一个句子. 用“哭笑不得”、“冷清清”这两个词,造一个句子. 用“埋葬”、“阵亡”这两个词,造一个句子.