He ( ) to the hospital after the accident. A. took B. was taking C. was takenHe ( ) to the hospital after the accident.A. tookB. was takingC. was taken这答案是什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 04:27:15
x)HUPT(W(HU/.,IQHL+I- %&'g)8g+8)'+$fg+8yy5 (d^|g ;XdwÓ6IEu-&CMQL`v6C-_6t:ChӮ/֯}Шd4 eC} O{vF 1GE
it was a hard math.at half-time,one of the footballers___(take)to the hospit she hsd put s lot of weight since she got out of the hospit al she hsd put s lot of weight since she got out of the hospit 英语翻译Shah begs to be taken to a hospital.He bleeds to death,我想知道 begs to be taken to a hospital什么什么意思,是他乞求被送到医院,还是说,在他的乞求之下,他被送到医院,为什么要用 begs to be takeno a hospit 要通顺The Romans built great “aqueducts” to carry fresh water from the mountains to the cities.Many of these aqueducts are still standing today.The Roman Emperors even set up a government health service.They built the first great public hospit 英语翻译In terms of table manners and hygiene,people’s habits vary from person to person.Some of them have the preference of stirring the food,hunting for what seems to be their favourite bits,with the aid of their own chopsticks.To show hospit 高中英语语法 1.Bert was so forgetful that he would show up for work on Sunday ( ) it was MondayA.and thought B.thinking2.The injured passengers on the airplane ( ) found themselves miles from the nearest hospitalA.that crashed B.crashed3.Hospit 去年我在那家医院的到份工作 用英语last year I()()() in the hospit 英语翻译最好不要用什么翻译软件,那样翻译出来的很多地方都不准确!1Three fire-engines race past on the way to one of the many fires that Tokyo has every day.2It is an LP of sounds from inside a mother’s body,which a hospit 几个英语小问题.1、【】from Beijing to Paris!A how long way it is B what along way it is C how long way is it D what long way it is2、【】letters there are in his desk!A how many B How very many the C what so many Dwhat many3、The hospit he likes to the play he 《 》the ball to john He wanted to know the time______ he needed to know. He returned the book to the library yesterday.He --- the book---to the library. he had to go to the airport e() the next He turned his c___ to the left. He wanted to ( ) into the boat He goes to the zoo by?