The introduce about forbidden city!Hurry!(紫禁城的介绍)最好是中英文都有的,以英文为主,全面的介绍紫禁城,从历史到现在最好都有,最好还包含一些有关紫禁城传说和小故事,全文都要英文版的,因为我

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 19:41:55
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plase write an article about beijing and introduce it to the foreign friends during your activity.怎么翻译啊? Introduce yourself to the class introduce... introduce 写一篇高中英语作文,题目是这样的:Write a short passage to introduce the Aswan Dam in Egypt.Talk about its advantages and disadvantages.About 120 words. Can you introduce the Purdue University to me?Say something about the history of it and the life of student there. i must be off now,have the same name,i always chat in the room withnext time,and introduce something about your hometown,ok? Can you introduce yourself?Can you______ ______ about yourself? Who can introduce some books about CHAOS THEORY? 求加拿大关于 first people 的详细介绍(中英文皆可)Can you introduce the history of Canada about First people to me thanks a lot 应该是:“we introduce the three of them.”还是“we introduce three of them. 英语翻译only the 1970ies had,under the influence of basiuc lacks,started to introduce an awareness about a necessarily refined ‘material consideration’ searching for ‘qualities’ of space alongside the restrictions to urban growth.这是 This is the third time you__that to me.A.have said B.had said C.said D.will say2.Gentlemen always shake hands when__to each introduce B.introduced C.introduce D.introducing3.It was__he was ill that day__he knew nothing about the acc ( )5.Welcome to our school.Let me___you____each introduce;to B.introduce;to C.ask;to D.get;to( )6.He went back____that the door was closed.A.making sure make sure of make sure about make sure( )7.She thanked me and____the gi 如果你有机会西方朋友家做客 英语作文,arrive on time bring snacks/flowers/favorite CDs introduce yourself ,call his/her parents spend time with friends talk about the study play games 100字 Introduce your family members to your roommates.Describe them as much as possible.后面还有提示:The following questions are some hints for your introduction.What are your family members?what are their hobbies?how about their characters? about your friend.2.Introduce your you want to be a sth in the future?大概15到20句的topic.分3个问题.最后一句的something是职业 where to buy jordan shoeswhere can we buy jordan old classic shoes?some one introduce one website ,how about the quality?It is not authetic shoes?