英语短语问题I will put it on expensesput it on expenses是什么意思 网上搜不到 分不多

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 18:09:43
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英语短语问题I will put it on expensesput it on expenses是什么意思 网上搜不到 分不多 I put my heart into it,I will win 的英语作文 好心的大哥 大姐 .我们英语考试 I will take much time to put it into Chinese.put it 英语中的动词短语的问题!老师像check it out,put it on,turn it off 这三个句子中 check out,put on,turn off应该都是动词短语吧,可为什么介词要后置呢,不直接说check out it,put on it,turn off it? 1.扑灭(火)的英语短语,含put的.2.fall over的意思.3.I believe not 与I don't believe it so的区别. 短语I will think it first 怎么翻译 一个英语句子中:I an going to put it on the floor.句子中的p一个英语句子中:I an going to put it on the floor.句子中的put it on ,是由词组put on 变来的?还是on只是做介词短语用? 使用put短语填空,英语 ( ) it here and I will throw it away.选择If you put,If putting,Putting,Put哪一个? behind it first.I will put your books on the bookshelves behind it(cd) first. 用含有put的短语填空1. When they have ______ that new building, it will spoil the view.2. I have _____ my thip to Japan until next month. I believe nothing is dificult ,if we put our hear into it ,i will be success. I ———— the book on the desk,but it's not there now A,have put B,put c,will put D,had put Where have you put my book?I()(A:put B:have put C:puts D:will put)it on your desk just now. 英语短语复数问题.比如说:put sth.into这个短语,用成put our heart into...我不明白为什么那个heart不加s. Put more wood on the fire,or it will ..a.go outb.put outc.break outd.let out请说出这4个短语的意思. 几个简单的英语习惯用法问题1.I know i shouldn't accept anything from such a person,but I found it difficult to turn down his ____.A.offer B.suggestions C.request D.plan2.-We will put on the pLay,but we cannot find suitabie clothes-Of cour I will put the book---------you placed it andmake a mark at the place----I pwhere ,at which为什么?will put the book---------you placed it andmake a mark at the place----I put it.