One day his mother f___ to make the clock ring at the uaual time It was t___ for breakfast

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:36:21
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What does his mother find,one day?fast,thanks. Tom asked one day o( ) to look after his sick mother He cared ( ) his mother day and night. 完形填空(首字母完型)One day,his mother f_____ to wind up the clock.急 One day his mother f___ to make the clock ring at the uaual time It was t___ for breakfast Once _1_ was a white cat.He was very lazy.Every day,his mother _2_ his hands and face.One day,his mother said,My son,you're _3_.You must _4_ to catch mice and do all 5_ of things yourself. The white cat didn't _6_ his mother.He only knew his mother His mother brings him lunch every day.[改为同义词】 his mother---- ------ ------ ----- every day. ()day Bill was staring his mother-bike when his sister Mary came out and asked for a lift.A.SomeB.AnotherC.The otherD.On one Tom was a 3-year-old boy.His mother was very much concerned about his future.One day she had a talkyu 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)Tom was seven years old.One day his mother went to see her mother .Before she left,she said to him ,Tom,when I'm away,stay near the door and watch it all the time!She said this this because there were a lot of His mother likes ( )every day.括号里应该怎么填? Daming helps his mother cook dinner every day. His mother wash the dishes every day改错 连词成句:yest day his was birthday mother's One day,the mother cat with cat to go fishing, 一篇英语阅读理解(正确T,错误F)Tom was seven years old.his sister,ann,was day,their mother sent them to their grandma’s house and then she went out.The children played for hafl past four .their grandma asked Tom to come into 短文改错 One day,a boy as well as his mother were walking along the street when a little g...短文改错 One day,a boy as well as his mother were walking along the street when a little girl fell down onto the ground.The boy wanted to help her u Amos asked his mother whether they could have a video.I’m afraid we can’t afford one,sighed his mother.But on the following day in came Amos,staggering beneath the weight of a brand-new video.How on earth did you pay for that?gasped his mother.Ea