请问“that and a 下面是电影Chicago的部分对白,请问that and a dime和making the rounds是什么意思.Velma Kelly:You know you're really pretty good.Roxie:Yeah,that and a dime.What are you doing here?Velma Kelly:I heard you been,uh,makin

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 08:23:25
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请问“that and a 下面是电影Chicago的部分对白,请问that and a dime和making the rounds是什么意思.Velma Kelly:You know you're really pretty good.Roxie:Yeah,that and a dime.What are you doing here?Velma Kelly:I heard you been,uh,makin 请问下面这个句子里的不可数名词Time的谓语应该用单数还是复数?请问不可数名词如果这样用 The reaction time of A and B ___shorter than that of C.空格里time的谓语应该用单数还是复数?注意!中文意思是 电影英文题目是Lock.Stock.and.Two.Smoking.Barrels,请问是什么电影 请问A of B which/that C中,C是指A还是B 找出下面句子中有语病的句子是A中国是一个拥有深远历史文化的国家B.生存权是人类面临的首要选择 C.重视科技发展,才能做到世界领先 D.电影艺术的感染力很深 答案给的是A 请问A错在哪里 -------my parents and they are workers.A.This is B.These are C.That is 请问选择哪个-------my parents and they are workers.A.This is B.These are C.That is 请问选择哪个 Last year I came to this factory and I have been working here ( )A ever since B after that time C from then on D then 我想请问为什么选A 不选C 都是从那时起的意思是吧? 英语问题,下面是一个 英语题目 请问它的答案是什么,并解释一下,谢谢Legend ___ it that the lake was formed by tears of a godness. A.makes B.puts C. has D.goes 在下面的四个VB6.0表达式中,语法正确的是( ).A:a> AND bc B:a>b>c C:a>b AND bc D:a>b AND c在下面的四个VB6.0表达式中,语法正确的是( ).A:a> AND bcB:a>b>cC:a>b AND bcD:a>b AND c 电影 a single man (单身男人) 最后一句台词如何理解我很喜欢这部电影,我甚至觉得只有同志才能真正看懂这部电影,我不是很能理解电影最后一句台词的意思,台词是这样的:and just like that it I have a college dream and I must work hard for it no matter _____ hard life is.A what B which C that D how答案是D,请问为什么不能选A You look tired now.You stay at home and have a rest.选项在下面A.had to B.had better C.would like to D.would rather 请问答案是哪个 为什么 这里动词要用过去式 看下面,再告诉我为什么,I can remember well some pictures and the persons _________ I saw in the room.A,whom B,who C,that D,which more popular的反义词是下面哪个?A.unpopular B.much popular C.less popular D. B and C 下面哪一部是折射隐喻现实的电影:() A.《神话》 B.《阿甘正传》 C.《后窗》 D.下面哪一部是折射隐喻现实的电影:() A.《神话》 B.《阿甘正传》 C.《后窗》 D.《淘金记 vb 变量C为文本框输入的一个字符,判断该字符是大小写字母、数字还是其他变量,必须用到下面的程序代码If c >= A And c = a And c = 0 And c Not that John doesn't want to help you,___it is beyond his power.A.but that B.for that C and that D.in that我选择的是D为什么答案是A 为什么呀 his animals__ he collected.A so that B and that C as to D that