HE closed the door a lot of noise .问号中填啥 IN OR WITH

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 00:39:27
He closed the door ____ (quiet) God is always fair,he closed the door you will open a window for you! HE closed the door a lot of noise .问号中填啥 IN OR WITH he uesd to sleep with the door ____ A.on b.opened c.closed d.close要说为什么. 17.– Who closed the door?-- Nobody.It ______.A.was closed by itself B.closed itself He came into the room, closed the door. 这句话对吗closed前用不用加and? He closed the door quietly -----he would not disturb anybody.A as if B now that C so that D even though 他赶紧冲进房间,关上了门.He ____ ____ the room and closed the door. He left the door open.可以这样说吗判断正误1.He left with the door open.2.He left with the door close.3.He left the door close.4.He left the door closed.5.He left the door unlock.6.He left the door unlocked.7.He left with the door unlock.8.H 英语翻译翻译 he closed the door softly behind him.behind在这里是什么意思? ①He left the door open.②He left with the door open.③He left with the door closed④He left the door closed.⑤He left the door unlocked.⑥He left with the door unlocked.Ⅰ,为啥有时要加ed有时不加咩?我怎么知道什么时候加?Ⅱ The door was( ) but the windows were ()A.close; open B.closed; open C.closed; opened -----------the windows and the door,the students left the room.A.Being closed B.Closed C.Having closed D.To close she entered the room,closed the door and put a table ( ) the door.she entered the room,closed the door and put a table ( ) the door.A on B at C against Doff the door was closed by me 关门是close the door还是 closed the door The whole family were having their dinner with the door ______.A.to be closed B.was closed C.closing D.closed who closed the door?nobody,_____________ A it closed itself B it is closed by itself帮我解释多一些