请帮我修改下这段话是否有语法和用词错误,Abstract:English writing level always be seen as an essential standard of reflecting and measuring a student’s capacity for linguistic performance synthetically,so in China writing is that t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 03:15:46
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请帮我看看语法和用词有没有错误,请帮我看看语法和用词有没有错误.n/a. 请帮我看看语法和用词有没有错误我拿 麻烦帮我检查并修改下这段话是否有语法和用词错误,谢谢. ..English composition always occupies an important position in teaching and learning English because the level of writing reflects students’ capacity for linguistic perfo 请帮我修改下这段话是否有语法和用词错误,Abstract:English writing level always be seen as an essential standard of reflecting and measuring a student’s capacity for linguistic performance synthetically,so in China writing is that t 请问可以帮我修改英语论文吗?老师说有用词和句式错误. 麻烦帮我检查并修改下这段话是否有语法和用词错误,..The English teacher should ask students to try to use different types of sentence patterns,paying attention to the accuracy,diversity and richness of language.Third,the usual mis 请问您能不能帮我修改一下英语论文,导师说我语法和用词错误太多,但是我找不出来.如果可以,我分段将论文发来, 请问您能否帮我修改一下英语论文,导师说语法和用词错误太多,但是我找不出来.能的话我分段发给你,谢谢 请帮我看看语法和用词有没有错误thank you george sharing film.George是一个人的人名,(不能用you.)我是对一个人说,要感谢George贡献了电影.(在网络上) 能帮我看看语法用词有没有什么错误.An advantage of he is that he is optimistic. 汉翻英 translation在出证之前请发草稿版给我, Pls send to me draft before you issue original. 语法和用词有没有错误 英语作文,帮我看看有没有语法错误和用词不当的,以及怎样修改,) 请高手帮我修改下这篇英语作文,是否有语法和句式错误There are many kinds of transportation.For example,riding a bike,driving a car,walking and so on.For most of people,they prefer driving a car to riding a bike.They think driving 求问英语真高手,这几句话的语法和用词是否正确?我自己在网上研究了一番,请大家帮我看看这样说的话,语法和用词是否正确?China Unicom the fast-speed broadband network中国联通极速宽带网络One year fo It is provided in the law that...请大家帮我用这半句造个句子...用词简单容易背,无语法和拼写错误就好过今天10点就不要了 求英语高手修改英语作文帮我修改下语法方面的错误,不方便直接发这上面,有愿意修改的同学麻烦留邮箱交流, 翻译语法有错误,帮我修改下 i am sorry for any inconvenience that bring to you. 请专业人士帮忙中译英一句话.是为宣传、普及**的文化所创意设计的新品.我这样翻译The originality new goods is for disseminate and popularize the cultural of **.用词和语法上有什么错误吗?