不动词不定式改写下列 his hair is to long.he needs to have it cut his hair needs___________________

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 03:25:05
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不动词不定式改写下列 his hair is to long.he needs to have it cut his hair needs___________________ 动词不定式不加to That is not his eraser用bi动词的缩略式改写下列句子 什么时候动词不定式不加to 什么是不带to的动词不定式? 不带to的动词不定式 不太懂得动词不定式的用法. I haven't decided which train I should take.(用动词不定式改写句子)顺便解释一下什么是动词不定式 Jhon needs to cut his hair because his hair is too long.(改写同义句)Jhon needs to ___ ___ ___ ___ because of his long hair. 动词不定式和动名词做表语区分his wish is to be a astronaut.(为什么用动词不定式?用is being不可以吗?)his hobby is play basketball.(为什么要用动名词?用to play ) 动词不定式, 动词不定式的动词可以是不及物的吗如题 用动词不定式改写句子用动词不定式(短语)的适当形式改写下列句子.1、It is very kind of you come and see me off.2、You have to wait till you see the results of the examination.3、The roon is so dirty that we can't live in he gave his son some advice.改写成双宾语动词 his uncle left him some money.改写成双宾语动词 动词不定式和它的宾语或状语构成不定式短语不太明白,什么是动词不定式的状语? 什么动词后面跟的是【动名词】、【动词不定式】、【不带to的动词不定式】、【动名词/动词不定式】?什么动词后面跟的是【gerund动名词】、【to-infinitive动词不定式】、【bare infinitive不带to 用动词不定式改写下列句子1.The police stopped him because he broke the traffic rules.He didn't like_____________________________________________.2.The famous actor didn't expect that the report would interview her.The famous actor didn't e