( )----Physic ______more difficult than Chinese.Do you think so?----Yes,I think so?A.is B.are C.has D.have原因

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 23:05:16
x){CN] Ȩ,LVT̴Ҝ<̼T=|RXf^Bq=Hsdj'BQ/XI/h^Fb ,K}76IEl6rP' _6t:*-=@t<[?žgӷ=8<;ti
physic与physical的不同点 ( )----Physic ______more difficult than Chinese.Do you think so?----Yes,I think so?A.is B.are C.has D.have原因 physic ,physics 和 physical 的区别 Ph Din physic Califonia Institution of technolegy是什么意思 The school will ______ ______ ______ ______(接近尾声). 照样子写词语(找找规律):荒山野岭______ ______ ______ 冷嘲热讽______ ______ ______ 八年级上册地理(中国的疆域和人口)问题1.我国人口在400百万以上的少数民族有______、______、______、______、______、______、______、______、______、______、______、______、______.2.我国各民族的地区 连词成句.(注意时态)1.She ,has a bad headache ,say ,she( )2.how much,the jacket ,is,She,asks( )3.a physic book,she,him ,buy,He,asks,if( )4.he ,go to Beijing,would ,He ,the next day ,said( )5.asks,him ,I ,knew,if ,Alice( I.选择填空(15分)( )1.----Einstein won ____ Nobel Prize for Physic in ____ 1921.----How great he was A.a;the B.a;/ C.the;/ D./;/ ( )2.----My grandfather was born ____ the start of 20th century.----____he can tell us some stories at that time. I.选择填空(15分)( )1.----Einstein won ____ Nobel Prize for Physic in ____ 1921.----How great he was A.a;the B.a;/ C.the;/ D./;/ ( )2.----My grandfather was born ____ the start of 20th century.----____he can tell us some stories at that time. 请问物理实验室的英译physic lab.physical lab.哪个对? 英语翻译如:History Physic Geography Chemistry Maths Music Art P.E. Getting more exercise is good for your (physic) health.正确形式 Would you mind ______ ______ ______(整理床铺)?翻译. ______ ______ ______(别着急),I will help you. 光学显微镜结构1、光学显微镜的结构(1)光学部分:______、______、______.(2)调节部分:______、______、______、______.(3)支持部分:______、______、______、______、______.2、显微镜的操作步骤: 常见化合物的化学式的写法(1)背出常见元素、原子团的化合物:(用符号填写)+1价:______、______、______、______;原子团______-1价:______、______、______、______;原子团______、______+2价:______ 星期三上午我将练习钢琴.用英语怎么说______ ______ morning I'm ______ ______ ______ ______ _____(题目)