___________(根据)__ very rough estimate,these figures are untrustworthy.__________(根据)__ very rough estimate,these figures are untrustworthy.填based on 还是 according to ,为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/20 11:15:21
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___________(根据)__ very rough estimate,these figures are untrustworthy.__________(根据)__ very rough estimate,these figures are untrustworthy.填based on 还是 according to ,为什么? 根据题意列出方程,并求出方程的解面粉:___________x袋大米:___________|___________|_____| __=30袋 共225袋 根据蛋白质的性质,误食重金属盐会使人中毒,可用于解毒急救的措施是__,为什么?___________. 用计算器计算:20-4×﹙-5﹚的按键顺序是 on/c __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 显示:___________ ABB词语,填动物名,俗语,含近义词.急__ __ 黑__ __ 乐__ __填动物名:汗___充栋 ___子野心俗语:(例如:红眼病) ____________ ___________ ___________含近义词:(例如:南征北战)(四字成语)___________ ___________________ _ they've seen the TV play __ times I‘ve got a letter from uncle weiming(保持愿意) I've __ __ uncle weiming.(怎么填!) 《负荆请罪》是___________.本剧开头先写明__、__、__.本课通过____,讲述__________________________.( 填空 ) 过滤是分离__,用到的仪器__蒸发是分离__,用到的仪器__蒸馏是分离__,分离原理是___________ 英语翻译I' ve got ___ ___ __ __ food and books for our trip. 英语翻译I' ve got ___ ___ __ __ food and books for our trip. 501,re we all here?(改为同义句)___________ ___________ here?2,The nurse (in the red hat )is your mother (对括号内提问)3,There's a man under the tree(改为复数句)4,根据句意填单词Look_____ the picture.What's the boy __ 根据提示填写叠词ABAC式:快__快__ 任__任__ 群__群__ 可__可__ 再__再__ABCB式:__云__云 __了__了 __过__过 __尔__尔 __计__计 __事__事ABCA式:痛____痛 贼____贼 天____天 英语翻译1.我一直惦记着那事I've kept on thinking about that __ __ __ .2.你到底为什么没有跟我说实话?__ __ __ __ __ tell me the truth? From___[tu:]__[tu:]__[tu:]__[tu:]__[tu:]__[tu:]根据所标音标填写单词 爷爷过生日,大家祝福爷爷福如东海,寿比南山爷爷却感叹到:__,__.我打住爷爷的话:__,__.___________中填写古诗词 塑料的分类(根据__):__塑料和__塑料.常见的天然纤维有:__等.合成纤维的特点:强度__弹性__透气性__ 根据条件列出算式.一堆煤,第一天烧了总数的四分之一,第二天烧了总数的五分之一,___________.这堆煤有根据条件列出算式。一堆煤,第一天烧了总数的四分之一,第二天烧了总数的五分之一,__