the guests ___ my home on time last b.arrived invented d.was invented

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 05:50:49
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the guests ___ my home on time last b.arrived invented d.was invented The delicious food for our guests ___(cook)this morning. 1.The journalist interviewed the ____ about the ___ of the company.A.guests present,present financial conditionsB.present guests,present financial conditionsC.guests present,financial conditions presentD.present guests,financial conditions present 【英语选择题】let's ___ home and ___ tv.[ho;watch/to go/watch/go;watching/go;to watch]let's ___ home and ___ tv.[ho;watch/to go/watch/go;watching/go;to watch]theman ___ the white shirt is my father.[wears/puts on/is wearing/in]simon is really the guests as Q_Q my mother had got the dinner ready by the time the guests arrivedwhat ( ) your mother ( ) by the time the guests arrivedgot the dinner ready划线部位提问 when do you begin ___(sing) for the foreign guests? ho ___ ___ day 补充词语 is this research center ___ the guests visited yesterday.A that B which C where D the one guests GUESTS OF THE NATION怎么样 the japanes guests suggested ___ to their visting us a to visit A.banquet was given in honour of the ___ (distinguish) guests.时态填空,请说明原因谢谢! 英语翻译My grandpa often ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ in the morning 就括号内的内容提问:The guests left (talking about the most beautiful meal in the world.)The guests left (talking about the most beautiful meal in the world.)________________________the guests______________?另外:I asked my mother if I would By the time you got to the airport, the guests ___ ______ left for Nanjing.A. will have B. had C. would had D. have选什么 Ho!It' s my passion中文是什么意思? Ho!It's my passion是什么意思?