英语翻译jump over a pedestrina with at least 15 zombies谢谢了

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/21 15:20:05
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英语翻译A.jump offB.jump ontoc.jump intoD.jump up jump over 英语翻译jump over a pedestrina with at least 15 zombies谢谢了 翻译players jump over the net to shake hands after a hard match jump over啥意思 英语翻译michael did a difficult jump 英语翻译第一个 Travel 50m while upside down第二个 Jump over a distance of 500m第三个 hit mines in a game第四个 overdrive twice in a game 英语翻译On the Saved Games screen,when you start the game keep going forward until you reach the area with the goodies.Keep going and jump on the last blocks after the Fire Flower.Jump over the side of the screen and you will reach a new area.K 英语翻译1.People could walk across a river if it wasn’t too deep.2.If a river was too wide,they couldn’t build a bridge across it.3.You mustn’t ride on the sidewalk.4.You must know how to brake and stop safely.5.You have to give way to pede 英语翻译1 Advance payment :PEDE will grant to the awarded bidder an advance payment equal to (10%) of the total value of the contract ,which will be paid against submitting commercial invoice and a bank guarantee by the contractor issued by any b if you are ever in a ship and it sink,just jump over the side into the sea.翻译 get a jump 英语翻译Level 7:S.S.Lorelei After the cutscene,turn to the left.(The music in this level kicks ***,doesn’t it!) You’ll see a bright reddish light next to a closed door.Jump off the crate and go over to that door.Go over to the corner right to 英语翻译 over a period of time 英语翻译over half a million games I don't think the dog the hoop jump over jump through jump across 选什么呢, Jump jump Don't be nervous!Jump over the sand!怎么翻译?