There ———— no buses to that beach,they had to ride their bicycles.为什么填being,是独立主格结构么,是的话怎么看一个句子是独立主格结构.、.、

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 07:39:16
xP[J@, 4YH$ I#}U&ڊ`(݋#م7 asϙs{&v1z'=!|S5Ô|5˶k51`rnm{ nhFKȦs[/ f|*S~@|s҇ZD0Ahz38Ik|*+JΫد_;Ȏw=J)'hv.^J+]t[$F 2
There ———— no buses to that beach,they had to ride their bicycles.为什么填being,是独立主格结构么,是的话怎么看一个句子是独立主格结构.、.、 2道英语填空题!1.There are twenty pears in the basket.(对twenty进行提问)—— ——pears—— ——in the basket?2.There are no buses in this part of the town.(改为同义词)—— —— —— ——in this part of the town. ——What are these?—— A.It is a bus.B.Those are buses.C.They are buses. there were no buses and no taxis .和 there were not buses or taxis表达的都对吧 横线上面填什么单词1、Because ___10:30 there are no buses.2、The headmaster will come to our class___two o'clock.3、——What do you think of the tecture of Li Yang's Crazy English?——I think it's___,but someone thinks it's much too. There are two buses at the bus stop.(对划线部分提问——( )( )buses ( ) ( )at the stop.we can see the yellow light(改为一般疑问句) ( )( )( )the yellow light ( )does your father go there?he( )there( )bus but can There are no roads,no cars and no buses there.这个句子的末尾的there有没有必要加上? there is no good——{smoke}in public 英语中与If there is no rain意思相同的是什么给了两条线——--- --------If there no raia,there will be no water(保持句意意思)-------- ---------,there will be no water ——What are they?——They are buses.怎么改为单数形式 1HE has some oranges (否定句)HE —— ——orange 2There are english buses(单数句)____ ____ ____English ———— ( ) ( )are the buses?——They are green.括号里填什么 there was no more buses这句话中为什么是was而不是were the,were,no,buses,in,past,there,airconditioned.(连词成句) because there were no buses,so we had to walk home. the,were,no,buses,in,past,there,air-conditioned.连词成句 there were no buses,so l had to ride the b__ the,were,no,buses,in,past,there,airconditioned.连词成句