英语翻译1、Stephenson became the ____ railway engineer in the world.A、lead B、leader C、leading D、leadership2、When the teacher praised him for working out the maths problem,Jack looked ____ about at his classmates.A、proud B、proudly C

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 15:38:00
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英语翻译Mabel Stephenson was the only daughter of Robert Carr,a dyer at Ovingham.Her family had dwelt in the neighbourhood of Newcastle for generations.The author,when engaged in tracing the early history of George Stephenson,casually entered int 英语翻译1、Stephenson became the ____ railway engineer in the world.A、lead B、leader C、leading D、leadership2、When the teacher praised him for working out the maths problem,Jack looked ____ about at his classmates.A、proud B、proudly C 英语翻译bec中级课本p37 英语翻译George Stephenson was born in 1781.His father was a poor worker.He looked after a steam engine.He worked very hard,but he didn't get enough money to support a family of eight.George Stephenson could not go to school.He had to start work w 英语翻译bec?se br?n sh?p 全国商务英语翻译证书ETTBL和BEC哪个好一些? 全国商务英语翻译证书ETTBL和BEC证书哪个好一些? 英语翻译Robert Stephenson was a slender man,of attenuated frame.He was an exceedingly amiable person,and was long remembered for his curious love of nature as well as of romance.He was accustomed,while tending his engine fire in the evenings,to d 英语翻译Robert Stephenson was a slender man,of attenuated frame.He was an exceedingly amiable person,and was long remembered for his curious love of nature as well as of romance.He was accustomed,while tending his engine fire in the evenings,to d 英语翻译George Stephenson was born in a poor family in 1781 .He had to work when he was just eight.When George was fourteen ,he became his father's helper .He spent a lot of time learning about engines .On holidays ,he often divided one engine in BEC考证事宜!我想知道关于BEC考证的一切事宜1 蒸汽机的发明家叫george stephenson 不知道是不是蒸汽机,回答他的名字就行 Stephenson发明了什么? A:ship B:car C:plane D:train They wanted Stephenson to build a locomotive to pull the coal cars from the mines. 请问 LOUIS STEPHENSON 路易 史蒂文森 服饰的定位是怎么样的! 英语翻译我说的是教育部的三级翻译考试,包括笔译和口译,先考翻译再考BEC,还是先考BEC再考翻译合理一些. 求bec高级听力材料!RT《剑桥BEC真题集》(高级)BEC Higher 2)人民邮电出版社[mp3]第1,2 ,3,4 辑还有其他的什么关于bec高级听力材料都要. 剑桥商务英语(BEC)