问大家一个英语句子:This candidate appears to be well qualified and seems modest,but reliable.这里的but reliable是指的可信呢还是不可信呢?可是为什么前面用BUT呢~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/21 22:18:21
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问大家一个英语句子:This candidate appears to be well qualified and seems modest,but reliable.这里的but reliable是指的可信呢还是不可信呢?可是为什么前面用BUT呢~ 改正一句英语句子,补上一个字I don't know how best to talk ^ this problem with my parents.问:^应该补上一个什么字? 问大家一个英语句子里的一个词的词性they have grown accustomed to it 这里的accustomed作的是形容词还是动词 还是副词 问大家一个英语句子,the wealthiest of cities怎么理解,是不是应该是the wealthiest cities.It is possible to find homeless people,for example,in even the wealthiest of cities,and for those who are concerned about this problem,there are 用this和that各造一个英语句子 英语问句子 问大家一个英语句子,few risks being taken,all with rapid feedback.请问为什么这里用being呢?few risk问大家一个英语句子,few risks being taken,all with rapid feedback.请问为什么这里用being呢?few risks are taken不可以 问大家一个八下英语句子She said I was lazy,which isn't ture.It's just that I find science really difficult .这几个句子怎么翻译?是什么从句?有什么联系? He is finding this trip very exciting新概念英语第二册Lesson 4So he is finding this trip very exciting.我第一次读这个句子的时候老是感觉在very前面应该加一个is,问了一个朋友后她说在一个句子中只能有一个 现在我有一个英语谜语要问大家或接下来我将问大家一个英语谜语,请同学们猜猜,反正就差不多这个意思 问大家几个英语句子的意思They can carry more than 20 times their body weight.Ants work in a team.请把weight,team在句中的意思作解释,并最后把句子的意思说出来.我总觉得第一个句子里有个句型.请问大家有 九年级英语定语从句大家先看看下面两个句子:1.This is the factory which we worked last year.2.This is the factory where we visited last year.我就一个问题,他们如此相像,为什么一个用which,一个用where? 问大家一个英语句子 You may wonder how paving a road can lead to less usable fresh water.中间的为什么要用HOW 感觉可以用我why 我想问一下这个句子用英语怎样翻译:他们俩都不能回答这个问题._________could answer this question. 问年龄的英语句子 am going I have lesson piano this moring to拼成一个英语句子 组合一个英语句子english,chinese,doy,not,kung fu,can,do,this现在就要哦! 是每个英语句子都是用do用do答吗?快是用do问用do答请大家在答一遍