高中英语help help1.From the military parade we concluded that China was no longer__it used to be.A.what B.that2.Parents are taught to understand __important education is to their children's future.A.that B.how3.We agreed to accept__they thought w

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 02:16:49
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高中英语help help1.From the military parade we concluded that China was no longer__it used to be.A.what B.that2.Parents are taught to understand __important education is to their children's future.A.that B.how3.We agreed to accept__they thought w 初三英语作文:以“Every needs help”为题Every needs help1 Did you get help from others?2 Did you give any help to people when they needed?3 Tell your story 1.would you like me_____you?A.to help B.help C.helping D.to help1.would you like me_____you?A.to help B.help C.helping D.to help2.these cars are different__________that ones.A.of B.from C.in D.at3.what___shose would you like?A.sizes B.size of C.sizes help 高中英语填词 get help from是什么 get help from. save from help from 的意思同上 To help protect you from help you from a good help help1.Our government has decided to give__to those environment-friendly businesses in many aspects.A.profitB.interestC.preferenceD.advantageC2.I am not__satisfied with the decision,and hate it.A.exactlyB.altogetherC.properly D.naturallyA we r____ much help from our teacher. We asked ____ help from a policeman. come and get help from us help,help,help,help1.当你淋浴时唱歌,歌声会更加饱满,更加浑厚,其原因是A.淋浴的水充当了扩音器B.歌声在浴室的瓷砖上多次反射,加强了原声C.能改变心跳的音色,使声音好听D.能减小声音传播过程 We should______each other and______each other.A.help;learn B.help at;learn with C.help;learn from D.help;learn 高中英语:can''t help doing sth 与cannot help doing sth请问这两者有没有什么区别?谢谢~ 一篇高中英语阅读理解What is interesting to me?You can connect almost any topic to science.Your topic could be plants,worms,dogs,the sky,or something else.If you cannot think of a topic,search books or the Internet for ideas.Seek help from y 高中英语如何从120左右到135以上我要成为英语狂人!HELP!