to which在这里怎么解释?A draft of a U.N. Security Council resolution being circulated Tuesday called for "full and immediate compliance with the cease-fire agreement to which the parties have subscribed" and the immediate withdrawal of Russian

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 04:59:00
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Which is the best way to learn a second language?Which在这里怎么翻译? 急!Ma Yan has written a book,with which she has moved the people around the world.为什么要用with 和 which 在这里该怎么解释? 新四里的一句话求解释.From the shore line,out to a distance which may be anywhere from a few miles to a few hundred miles,runs the gentle slope of the continent shelf...这里的out to a distance怎么放在一个定语从句前面?which是 关于in which的一道题目The car in which he goes to work was bought twenty years ago and is still in a good condition.这里的in which怎么解释? to which在这里怎么解释?A draft of a U.N. Security Council resolution being circulated Tuesday called for full and immediate compliance with the cease-fire agreement to which the parties have subscribed and the immediate withdrawal of Russian what a funny time to eat breakfast这里的to eat breakfast在语法上怎么解释 this is a book (refer to ) the life in south africarefering to为什么?怎么不是refered to?which refer to可不可以?这里完全不明白,refering to 在这里做什么什么成分, The Memorial Hall built in memory of Dr.Sun Yat-sen,in the main hall of which stands a bronze statue of Dr.Sun Yat-sen,is one of the most popular temples in Asia.这里的of which怎么分析? put a match to it 怎么翻译,put to这里面怎么解释 way to success ,to在这里怎么解释这句话是名词所有格吗? I have quite a lot of homework to do1.这个QUITE怎么解释2.TO DO在这里是做定语呢,还是做宾语补足语, To this tale,Hans Christian later added a story from his own life.To this tale在这里怎么解释?可以理解为根据这个故事吗? To this tale,Hans Christian later added a story from his own life.To this tale在这里怎么解释?可以理解为根据这个故事吗? 英语定语从句的问题(请解释)1.sep 18,1931 is the day______we'll nerve forget.A.on which which C.that D.for which(怎么不是A) you remember the day _____you first came to shanghai这里为什么是on you still rememeber It was in China ________ Dr.Bethune gave his life to the cause of the revolution.A.that B.for where which which 关于provide的用法在改错中做到:We are not conscious of the extent of which work provides the psychological satisfaction that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.这里把of which 改成了 to which解释是说 因为 five minutes to go.不定式的用法在这里怎么解释? flip your eyes over to the windowflip 和over 在这里怎么解释