这个英语笑话没看懂A little boy was in his room playing with himself,when his father walked in."Son!If you masturbate too much,you're gonna go blind!" "Dad," the boy said,"I'm over here."

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 09:00:49
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这个英语笑话没看懂A little boy was in his room playing with himself,when his father walked in.Son!If you masturbate too much,you're gonna go blind! Dad, the boy said,I'm over here. 一个英语笑话没看懂Q.What did the gambler do with his cards?A.He Palladium. 我是d/dy 一个笑话没看懂,说e^x不怕微分,缺碰到了这个.到底啥意思啊 有个人长的像洋葱,走着走着就哭了 没看懂,这个冷笑话有什么名堂啊? 我想请教这个幽默笑话的含义?我没看懂,所以没感觉到好笑. 看懂的朋友,请解释一下,谢谢!我想请教这个幽默笑话的含义?我没看懂,所以没感觉到好笑.看懂的朋友,请解释一下,谢谢! 一名获得 求 没看懂 这个图 求文档:5则初一上册看懂的英语笑话 这个题第一问问没看懂 解析也没看懂, 几十年过去了,人民群众早已经过了河了,而各级领导还在河边假装摸石头! .没看懂这个笑话的笑点在哪. 谁有初一可以看懂的英语笑话?初一左右可以看懂的笑话,稍微深一点也行!还有,谁能告诉我“英语笑话”用英语怎么说啊? a little about them这个词组有没有错 一个内涵笑话没看懂.sin问cos今晚是tan还是cot 提问,图形推理题,这个没看懂, 这个啥意思了,没看懂 一则没看懂的英语笑话A black preacher and a white preacher went on a hillside to find out if God was black or white. The white preacher askes, God, are you black or white? God responds, I Am that I Am. The white preacher says He's white 懂英语的进,怎么我没看懂这个视频看半天没看懂,据说是广告不好意思,网址打错了 这则英语笑话没看懂有何幽默之处,A guy walks into a bar,sits down and says to the bartender,Quick pour me twelve drinks. So the bartender pours him twelve shots and the guy starts shooting them back really fast,one after another.The ba 问个英语笑话的内涵 没看懂...An eye doctor,a heart surgeon and an HMO executive die and are in heaven.God asks the eye doctor why he should be let into heaven,and the doctor explains to God that he helped people save or regain their